
Mood Meter 

Created by Marc Brackett

The mood meter is a graph that measures energy levels and pleasantness. The meter uses different colors to represent the emotions: yellow is high energy and very pleasant, red is high energy and very unpleasant, green is low energy and pleasant, and blue is low energy and unpleasant.

Mood meter.docx

A Little Spot of Feelings by Diane Alber

A Little Spot of Anger by Diane Alber

Identifying Emotions

It can sometimes be challenging to identify complex emotions. This feeling wheel takes those complex emotions and unpacks them, exposing the core feelings behind them. 

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Sitting with sadness

It is important to encourage our  to feel their emotions. An effective way to do this is to sit with them and feel it with them.

Identifying Emotions

This is a great video to help children learn and identify emotion

Empathy Vs Sympathy

An adult resource from Brene Brown on understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy.