Childhood Anxiety

2023 Children’s Mental Health + Parenting Conference

Keynote Addresses from Dr. Becky & Dr. Shefali

This conference is the only one like it in the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to make the difference in the life a child. Let’s raise a generation of children who don’t need to recover from their childhoods.

Anxiety Canada 


Anxiety Canada works to reduce the barrier of anxiety so we can live the life you want. We offer trusted resources and programs to help people better understand and manage anxiety.

Teaching Children about the Anxiety Response: Fight, Flight, and Freeze.

Created by Lucy Sloan: author of our course "An Interactive Guide to Addressing Anxiety"

8 Ways A Child's Anxiety Shows Up as Something Else

It's completely reasonable that almost everyone is experiencing a heightened level of anxiety durning this time. It's sometimes difficult though to recognize and express feelings and worries. This poster highlights different ways these emotions may be showing up for your child. If so, it may be helpful to shift perspective and talk about what is behind the behaviour rather than seeing only the behaviour.

Apps to develop awareness and coping strategies for anxiety  

Everyone experiences varying levels of anxiety. It's natures way of keeping us safe. Anxiety also helps us to grow and develop such as feeling the drive to study for a test because you want to do well.  Anxiety becomes a problem though, when thoughts and  senses are alerted and our bodies respond when there is no danger or reason to be anxious. It is also troublesome when individuals have not had the opportunity to develop coping and strategies to sooth anxiety 

These Apps and others can be very helpful for developing awareness about anxiety as well as strategies that will allow us to take back control.

Apps for Anxiety .pdf

How to help children manage anxiety during a health crisis 

Physical activities like playing in the backyard or going for a walk help a lot too.

How to help your child cope with anxiety at home

Coping with anxiety.pdf