REsources for Learning

RECURSOS PARA el aprendizaje

2-Minute historic Video

March to Sacramento 1966

5-minute video Lesson

(You might want to start at :40)

A Short History of Huerta and Chavez

Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez teamed up in 1962 to form the United Farm Workers of America (UFWA) in order to improve the working conditions for the workers. The farm employees were making as low as 70 cents an hour, didn’t have access to toilets or cold drinking water and weren’t given breaks. 

A long time activist, Huerta faced threats of physical violence, threats of prison time and sexism. She went on to receive numerous awards for advocating for the rights of workers, immigrants and women. 

March to Sacramento

In 1965, Huerta led the grape workers to strike. The next year, Cesar Chavez and 67 other grape farm workers marched 340 miles to Sacramento, California, to protest against these unfair conditions. Protestors carried signs that said, “Huelga!” and “Don’t Buy California Grapes”.  Along the way, the group grew in size. By the time they arrived in Sacramento, there were thousands of workers protesting.

In the end, the grape growers signed a contract that allowed the farm workers to unionize with collective bargaining rights. This meant that all the farm workers could have a collective, unanimous voice in determining their rights and responsibilities as workers. 

2024 Huerta/Chavez Advisory Slides

Designed for middle and high school advisory classes, the five 15 to 20-minute learning activities in this slide deck feature videos and short readings about prominent, inspiring Latino Americanos. Students who complete the online activities (accessed with QR-code links) can claim a free book at the April 11th event at Hamlin Middle School!

Cesar Chavez/ UFW K-5 Book List

Lista de libros acerca de César Chávez / UFW (nivel Kinder - grado 5)

Books available at the Springfield Public Library

Libros disponibles en la Biblioteca Pública de Springfield

First day in grapes by L. King Perez

A picture book of Cesar Chavez by David Adler

A day’s work by Eve Bunting

Gathering the sun: an ABC in Spanish and English by Alma Flor Ada

Harvesting hope: the story of Cesar Chavez by Kathleen Krull

Cesar Chavez by Josh Gregory

Cesar Chavez “On My Own Biography” by Ginger Wadsworth

Cesar Chavez: the struggle for justice by Richard Grisold del Castillo

Dolores Huerta: a hero to migrant workers by Sarah E. Warren

Side by side: the story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez by Monica Brown

Strike! : the farm workers’ fight for their rights by Larry Dane Brimner

Portraits of Hispanic American heroes by Juan Felipe Herrera

With courage: seven women who changed America by Lynea Bowdish

Bravo! : poems about amazing Hispanics Margarita Engle

Calling the doves by Juan Felipe Herrera

Cesar: sí, se puede/yes, we can! by Carmen Bernier-Grand​

The Circuit: stories from the life of a migrant child by Francisco Jimenez 

ONLINE: Cesar Chavez: Migrant Hero;  The Life of Cesar Chavez


Libros en español o bilingües:

Cosechando esperanza: la historia de Cesar Chavez por Kathleen Krull

Lado a lado: la historia de Dolores Huerta y Cesar Chavez por Monica Brown

Cesar Chavez: la lucha por la justicia por Richard Grisold

Cesar Chavez y la máquina del tiempo by Juan Carlos Quezadas

Cesar: sí, se puede! por Carmen Bernier-Grand​

La mariposa por Francisco Jimenez 

EN LINEA: Cesar Chavez: Héroe Migrante;  La Vida de Cesar Chavez

Dolores Huerta Online Gallery 

/Galería en línea Dolores Huerta

(Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery)


County Commissioner Joe Berney remembers working with Dolores Huerta.

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