Course Registration

Academics are important! Spearfish High School offers a wide variety of course opportunities. You can take classes to learn about carpentry, a new language, cooking, or art. You can also take classes that will best prepare you for college. We currently offer three Advanced Placement classes. We also have many students who choose to be "dual enrolled" and take college classes at Black Hills State University in addition to their high school classes. Whatever your long term goal, counselors can assist you in choosing classes to meet your needs. When developing your academic plan for the next four years, consult with your parents and the high school counseling office.All courses are open to females and males based on interest and ability.

Virtual Academy

BHOL Course Offerings 

Summer School Information

May 28th - July 3rd

Application and information packets are available in the Counselor's Office or the Main Office

Cost: $75 a course

Summer School Coordinator: Mr. Chad Spear (