Academic Resources
Academic Assistance Options
Spartan Time: Students can get a pass to visit any classroom during Spartan Time beginning at 2:05. This is a great opportunity to make up an exam, receive assistance on assignments, and turn in missing work. Spartan Time is every Maroon Day during 4th block.
Individual Teacher Help Sessions: Meeting with teachers before/after school. Teachers are available from 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Peer Tutoring: Scheduling pending with the start of the new school year.
Upperclassmen students in NHS provide peer tutoring assistance throughout the year. Tutoring services are before school on White Days and during Spartan Time on Maroon Days. Specific schedules and times are posted around the school. Students can receive assistance on homework in all core classes, connect with upperclassmen students on studying tips, assistance with organization, and test preparation.
FREE ONLINE TUTORING: This service is temporarily suspended as the state looks to secure funding to keep it operational.
The Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program provides free online tutoring to K–12 students in South Dakota in the subjects of English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Parents can register students for virtual one-on-one tutoring sessions using a simple and secure online platform. Once registered, sessions can either be pre-scheduled or accessed on-demand. All sessions are taught by university students already accepted into the School of Education at Northern State University or Black Hills State University. Click the link below to register your students.
Other Online Resources, Tips, and Tricks:
Teacher Assistance Team (TAT) Referral
A team of teachers, administration, and counselors meet to develop an individualized plan to assist the student with academic development and growth. The intervention plan is implemented for a period of time to see if there are any changes in academics and re-evaluated for continuing intervention.
Special Education and 504 Resources
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
If you are a parent of a student that has an Individualized Education Plan in place, specific questions and concerns regarding the IEP can be answered by the Special Education Department.
Special Education Director: Sarah HeilmanHigh School Special Education Teachers: Ann Wince-Lyon, Traci Fransen, Sierra Fortin, Louise Compton, and Chris GuekeHigh School Behavioral Teacher: Kandera Barnett
Section 504
If you are a parent of a student that has a 504 Plan in place, specific questions and concerns regarding the 504 plan can be answered by the High School 504 Coordinator; Michael Yost.