Tom Kean

Republican for the House of Representatives

Why He's Running

“Tom Malinowski ignored the warning of economists, listened to Nancy Pelosi and backed billions in wasteful spending. Now we are all paying more. I’m running for Congress to work across the aisle to get prices down and stop the reckless spending" - Tom Kean

His Vision

1. End wasteful spending to break the back of inflation.

2. Promote American industry to open up supply chains.

3. Support middle-class tax relief.

4. Back energy independence to lower gas prices.

His Background

Kean earned his B.A. in history from Dartmouth College and his M.A.L.D in International Relations from Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. His professional experience includes working as a graduate school instructor for the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tuft's University and as a volunteer firefighter and emergency medical technician. Kean was a member of the New Jersey State Senate, representing District 21. He assumed office in 2003. He left office on January 11, 2022.

Kean's Platform and Vision for NJ7

  • Fixing Our Healthcare System

  • Tom Kean understands the importance of quality healthcare. He has been a leader on this issue in the New Jersey Senate, serving on both the Health and the Commerce committees. While there, he worked with Republicans and Democrats alike to find solutions to lower the cost of prescription drugs, improve maternal healthcare and increase access to mental healthcare. As your Congressman, he promises to continue to be a leader in fixing our healthcare system.

  • Make Housing More Affordable

Tom Kean has a long record of standing up to big tax hikes and fighting for affordability in New Jersey. He has blocked billions of dollars in new taxes and wasteful spending. He was a leading driver of the 2% cap on municipal spending that helped stabilize property taxes. As your Congressman, Tom looks to prioritize fiscal responsibility.

  • Creating Jobs

Tom has been recognized as “Legislator of the Year” by numerous business groups for his work in helping make New Jersey a beacon for innovation jobs, technological ingenuity and development opportunities. In addition, his legislation on brew pubs transformed an industry and created thousands of new jobs. Tom aims to promote industries that drive North Jersey and will always stand up for his constituents’ jobs in Congress.

  • Protecting the Environment

Protecting the environment has always been a passion for Tom Kean. He began his career in public service working at the Environmental Protection Agency, where he met his wife, Rhonda. He has built a reputation as an advocate for clean energy and open space in the New Jersey state legislature. He has sponsored funding for offshore wind energy development and passed laws that ensure open space and conservation are well-funded. As a prime sponsor of the Global Warming Response Act in 2007, he promises to continue employing policies regarding the urgent nature of climate change. Kean promises to be an ardent defender of the environment.

  • Improving Infrastructure

On the state level, Tom Kean worked with Governors and legislators, alike, to reform the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and help lay the foundation for the Gateway Tunnel on a bi-state basis. He aims to address and prioritize these issues if elected.

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