
The Southern Tioga School District has recognized the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum for many years. Our goal is to build upon what has already been done well and explore new instructional possibilities using research-validated strategies. To do this, we included technology on the forefront of our decisions and embedded technology into everything we do. Technology is no longer seen as a silo unto itself, but rather a conduit through which teaching and learning can travel.

At the district level, it was determined that the most advantageous path forward for our students and staff would be if we were able to transform our schools into a 1:1 environment (one device for every student and teacher). For students in grades 7-12, the best device was determined to be the Lenovo Yoga 11e. All devices will be running Windows 8.1 and Office 2013.

We are very excited about the enhancements to our technology and curriculum vision because of the limitless possibilities now available to the students and staff of Southern Tioga School District. The support and commitment from both the School Board and District Faculty and Staff surrounding this dynamic initiative has been inspiring and appreciated. By transitioning our district into a 1:1 environment, we will enable every student to be connected to the most state-of-the-art equipment, have the most up-to-date curriculum at their fingertips, and most importantly, provide enhanced instructional opportunities through more individualized instruction.


There are many reasons why so many school districts are trying to become 1:1 schools. However, there are three main goals we are looking to accomplish with the use of technology.

Curriculum engagement – No longer are objects just words in a book. Interactive lessons, video clips, collaborative studies, virtual tours, etc. are now possible all from within the walls of the classroom.

Personalized analysis – When a teacher assesses students (formally/informally during class, homework, test, quiz, etc.), typically the teacher is able to determine the percent of the content comprehended by each student. Rarely do teachers have the time to do a true item analysis and determine exactly with what each student is struggling. This technology will have the ability to not only provide the teacher with an item analysis, but it will be able to do so in real time – allowing teachers to catch misconceptions before students leave the class

Individualized Instruction – Due to the aforementioned item analysis, teachers will be able to deliver instruction specific to the needs of each individual student. Less instructional time will be wasted covering content students already comprehend, and more time can be devoted to concepts truly deserving of more instructional focus. These data driven decisions can be made much more easily through the use of technology.

From the Acceptable Use Policy User Agreement Form

Southern Tioga School District is committed to utilizing technology in an efficient manner to create an innovative environment that will enhance instruction, empower students and teachers alike, engage everyone in the learning process, connect students to limitless resources, improve communication, and manage data. As users of the technology resources and network provided by STSD, students must understand and will abide by the terms and conditions established by our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Students also must understand that the use of these resources is a privilege, not a right, and the improper use can result in the cancellation of these privileges. Furthermore, inappropriate use of these resources may result in disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action as required by state and federal law and/or the cost of damages resulting from deliberate, malicious, willful acts of destruction. Activities that are considered inappropriate include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Use of the network or device to facilitate illegal activity.
  • Use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes.
  • Use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying.
  • Use of the network or device for hate mail, discriminatory remarks, terroristic threats, and offensive or inflammatory communication.
  • Unauthorized or illegal installation, modification, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials (This includes ROMs and emulators.)
  • Use of the network or device to access obscene or pornographic material.
  • Accessing material that is harmful to minors or is determined inappropriate or inconsistent with the instructional purposes and mission of the District
  • Use of inappropriate language or profanity on the network or device.
  • Use of the network or device to transmit material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
  • Use of the network or device to intentionally obtain or modify files, passwords, and data belonging to other users.
  • Impersonation of another user, or anonymity, or use of pseudonyms.
  • Installation of content which is known to be unauthorized or prohibited by the District.
  • Use of the network or device to disrupt the work of other users.
  • Destruction, modification, abuse, or unauthorized access to network hardware, software, and data by physical or electronic means (viruses, worms, etc.).
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying
  • Quoting personal communications in a public forum without the original author’s prior consent.
  • Circumventing or disabling the filter or any security measure.
  • Engaging in the practice of “hacking”

To see our complete Acceptable Use Policy, please visit (Policy 815)

Annual Technology Fee / Damage Procedures

The Southern Tioga School District technology fee covers school issued student devices (i.e. – laptops) in the event of theft, damage by fire, or other accidental damage. In the event of theft or fire, a police or fire report must be submitted to the district office within three (3) business days of the event. The technology fee will cover a student’s device for up to one (1) accidental circumstance during the school year at STSD. The fee will not cover a student’s second (or more) accident. At this point, 2 or more accidents will require parents/guardians to be responsible to pay the repair/replacement costs (MSRP for Lenovo Yoga 11e: $799.00). Additionally, the fee will cover a student if he/she is responsible for accidental damage to another’s device.

The technology fee does not cover damage that is determined to be the result of malicious use or treatment, nor does it cover the outright loss of the device or its parts (e.g. – power cord). Malicious damage (defined as deliberate, willful destruction) is not covered under any circumstance. If the damage is determined to be malicious, parents/guardians will be responsible to pay the repair/replacement costs. The students will still be provided a device (loaner device) for use in school, but they will not be permitted to take it home.


The determination of malice will only be decided after an investigation of the situation has been concluded. Based on prior experience, malicious damage typically appears as excessive damage, or purposeful defacement. Examples could include, but not limited to, writing on the device, scratches/etching on the screen or body, obvious signs of repeated and/or heavy impact, etc. The overall condition of the laptop helps provide the context for determining the outcome.


The annual technology fee is $20.00 per student or $35.00 per family. Paying the Family Technology Fee will cover all students living in the same household. Please make check or money order payable to Southern Tioga School District. To better ensure proper receipt of funds, cash will not be accepted. In the event of an incident, any applicable fines or fees must be paid before the repaired device is reissued.


In the event of damage, students should (1) complete a trouble ticket using IT Tracker (2) report the issue to a teacher. A teacher will ensure that the report has been processed by a technician. A technician will assess the damage. If the damage is determined to be accidental, a letter will be drafted to inform the Parent/Guardian. The student will be provided a temporary device to use (and may take home) while the device is being repaired. If the damage is determined by the technician not to be accidental, the building Principal will further evaluate/investigate the situation to determine the final outcome (either accidental or malicious) of the incident. If the damage is concluded to be due to malice (destruction of school property), parents/guardians will be required to pay the repair costs. While repairs take place, the student will be issued a loaner device which will not be permitted to be taken home.

Permission Form

The checklist below must be reviewed annually. Parents, guardians and students must agree to Southern Tioga School District’s terms and conditions prior to receiving/using district devices.


  • Understand that devices and equipment issued by STSD (i.e. – tablets, laptops, etc.) are still owned by STSD
  • Agree to/Sign STSD’s Acceptable Use Policy
  • Understand parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring the Internet and device activity on school issued equipment when students are outside of the schools
  • Take responsibility for the care of STSD equipment both in and out of school
  • Understand consequences of malicious destruction of technology (school property)
  • Agree to bring your STSD issued device to school every day
  • Ensure that the STSD issued device will be charged and ready for use prior to arriving on campus
  • Understand that STSD has the right to monitor all district owned devices, as well as block access to applications and websites
  • Have no expectation of privacy for files stored or data exchanged on district issued devices or the cloud
  • Understand loaning/borrowing STSD issued devices to/from other students is not allowed
  • Understand how to take precautions to keep your usernames/passwords private
  • Understand STSD issued devices need to be serviced annually and will need to be collected at the end of every year (devices will be redistributed at the beginning of the following year)
  • Have reviewed information pertaining to the technology fee