Warm ups

Warm up Songs

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (can be performed sitting, standing, or lying down)

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, Knees and Toes,

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes

Eyes and Ears and Mouth and Nose

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes

Head, Shoulders, Hands and Elbows, Hands and Elbows

Head, Shoulders, Hands and Elbows, Hands and Elbows

Eyes and Ears and Mouth and Nose

Head, Shoulders, Hands and Elbows, Hands and Elbows

Shake Your Sillies Out

Animal walks

Bear walk

As seen in the video,

Begin this exericse by standing and reaching your hands down to the floor infront of you.

Keeping only your hands and feet on the floor--begin walking forward.

Crab walk

As seen in the video,

Begin this exercise by sitting on the floor with hands behind you. Pushing through your hands and feet--lift your bottom off the ground. Try walking--forward, sideways, or backwards while keeping your bottom up!

Frog Jump

As seen in the photo,

Begin this exercise by squatting on the floor with hands between your feet.

Jump in the air, either in place or forward.

The return to the starting position (squat with hands between feet)


Seated Warm Ups

Seated weight shifts

Side to side reach

Reach your hand side to side in sitting, causing your weight to shift.

Forward reach

Reach your hands down to your toes in sitting, causing your weight to shift.


Seated Marching

Seated March

Lift and lower your knee 10 times, repeat on other leg.

To make it harder: Alternate between the two legs! (Right, Left, Right, Left--Complete 20 times)