Live Sessions

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for all of your patience and communication during this time. Moving forward with therapy, we will begin to offer live sessions through Google Meet. Parents always have the choice to continue with phone and email conferencing regarding their distance learning program if live sessions do not work for their child or home schedule.

I want to provide to you an opportunity to fully review all factors involved in determining whether you wish to proceed with having your child participate in virtual instruction and services. By clicking the link to join into a session that contains this same notice, you are implicitly consenting to the following, with the understanding that the occasional parental presence indicated above may reveal your child’s disability status to others:

In participating in a live session you are agreeing to the statement in the document below. Click on the document below to view the full statement in either English or Spanish.

Teacher_Service Provider Virtual Letter.pdf

We can coordinate a time that is convenient for you and your family during the school day hours. Please let me know if you are available and interested in moving forward with a live Physical Therapy session.

Thank you,

Miss Erin