
Coordination Exercises

Jumping Jacks

Start by standing with feet together and hands at sides.

Jump feet into an opened position while hands raise simultaneously from the sides to an overhead position.

Return feet to the starting position by jumping the feet closed while the arms simultaneously lower to sides.

Complete 5 times.

If this was too hard, provide visual demonstration and verbal cues of “open/close”, “star/pencil”, “big/little” etc. Whatever works for your child.

If this was too easy, have your child count their jumping jacks on their own.

Cross Crawls

Start with your feet apart and your arms open parallel to the ground.

Lift your left knee, and touch it with your right hand.

Step back to both feet.

Lift your right knee, and touch it with your left hand.

Repeat 5 times on each knee. (10 total)

If this was too hard, Slow it down! Provide visual demonstration as a mirror and verbal cues of the color of the sticker that you want to match hand and knee.

If this was too easy, Sit on the floor with legs spread apart. Match right hand to left knee and left hand to right knee. This takes out the balancing on one foot portion.

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