
Solution Summary

YouFrame digital menuboard is Google/Baidu (for Chinese market) cloud-based digital menu board solution that is structured with Android hardware, YouFrame Viewer software that shows contents, and YouFrame Editor software that can edit and organize contents with a smartphone.

You can use the Frame Player that is Android set top box for a standard display with HDMI cable, or you can utilize Frame AIO displays with built-in Frame Inside board to make a digital menuboard.

YouFrame digital menuboard can configure texts such as menu name and prices, images such as menu photos, or video elements such as promotional films with template on the screen. And all text, image and video objects on a screen can be selectively updated, or can be used in real-time synchronization with services such as Google Spread Sheets, Google Photos, or YouTube depending on the playlists and schedules.

YouFrame digital menuboard can communicate with other devices within the store. It can indicate sales information and waiting numbers from POS device in the store. Also, it can be linked with various IoT sensors such as motion sensors, multi-language buttons, NFC cards, or beacons.

Without an additional equipment, it supports screen synchronization between multiple digital menuboard displays, so it is easy to show the promotional contents using the entire menuboard.

YouFrame Digital Menuboard Introduction Video

Major Features

  • Contents editing using smartphone editor
  • real-time synchronization of menuboard texts, images, or video contents
  • Scheduled and real-time updates of playlists and play schedules
  • Promotion using screen synchronization of a local network between multiple displays
  • Support real-time device monitoring and remote control using YouFrame Cloud
  • Support with menuboard installation proposal per types of stores, drawings and installations with professional menuboard installation team
  • In case of hardware failure, provide supports with onsite services and hardware checks

Solution Configuration

  • Display : Supports various displays such as frame AIO displays for menuboards and video walls, or normal signage display.
  • Frame Player : An additional Frame Player is not required when using a Frame AIO all-in-one display.
  • Wired/Wireless network router : Use a designated router for a menuboard, and it is connected to the store network and the internet.
  • Designated power switch : Menuboard display, Frame Player, and wired/wireless network router are all connected to one power switch, and making it easy to simply turn the switch on and off like lighting.