
Solution Summary

SocialFrame promotion board is a new concept of signage service that can always show up-to-date promotional contents on the digital display by connecting with the brand's social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Drive).

The traditional printed posters that are popular in the store can be costly when a new posters are printed, distributed to stores, and need to be installed every time a new product or service is required. Even for a digital signage introduced to replace this costly way, it costs much effort to prepare necessary contents for new products and distribute them. But, the news for new products and service are already delivered to customers via various social media. Social media channels based on photos or videos are easily accessible to customers and can quickly respond to new product launches.

In this respect, SocialFrame promotion board from SoundGraph gives the advantage of easy management of contents and operations as it synchronizes and displays social media contents in real-time. Not only it announces new promotions of a brand, but also uses such as #hashtags related to new products to hold events in the form of participation by customers or users, and displays contents coming online from various users can be easily shown through displays in the store.

The SocialFrame promotion board can display contents through a variety of templates such as horizontal, vertical, square, or multiple screens, and also offers various tools to select and post different number of contents on social media channels.

SocialFrame Promotion Board Introduction Video

Major Features

  • Support various social media real-time synchronization (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Drive)
  • Support various ways of social media searches (Account profiles, #hashtags, curation, duration of contents display, etc.)
  • Support various tools (Social Grabber, Social Curator, and SEAM Regram) to curate the preferred social media contents
  • Support various templates as per social media feature (horizontal, vertical, square, multi displays)

Solution Configuration

  • Display: supports various displays including standard signage display, Frame AIO display, Frame R, etc.
  • Frame player: a separate Frame Player is not required when using AIO all-in-one display
  • Wired Network router : Use a designated router for SocialFrame promotion board, and it’s connected to the store network and the internet.
  • Designated power switch : Promotion board display, frame player, and wired/wireless network router are all connected to one power switch, and making it easy to simply turn the switch on and off like lighting.