Daily Schedules

Schedule Examples

Unsure how to structure your child's day? Concerned that your child will have a hard time adjusting back to school and you want to ease them back into a school day routine? Below are a few different school day schedules for reference, see what works for you and your child. The biggest thing that our students need is consistency and predictability. When designing a home schedule try to keep the daily routine consistent. You may even want to use a calendar or create your own visual schedule. If you need visuals see the visuals page to some you can print.

Example of daily timetable from Dorota

How to use ‘First / Then’ strategy at home.


We sometimes assume that just because a child “heard” us say something, he should be able to listen. This is not always the case.

First/Then is a commonly used tool within Sommerville that is familiar to our students.

The Behavioural Team presents this short video describing what it is and how we use it. They hope this is helpful for you.

First - Then card to use with visuals.