Directions & Transportation


We highly recommend that you utilize public transportation, as SOIS is unable to accommodate parking for cars, vans or buses.


By public transport from central Osaka

Take either the Midosuji subway line to its terminus Senri Chuo or the Hankyu Railways Senri line from Osaka Hankyu Umeda station to its terminus Kita Senri.

From either of these stations, then take either bus or taxi as detailed below.

Bus - Take the Hankyu Bus 78 from Senri Chuo Station, bus stop number 6 (centrally located next to the taxi pickup zone). The same Hankyu bus will stop at Kita Senri Station and depart from bus stop number 5. It takes approximately 25 minutes from Senri Chuo and 15 minutes from Kita Senri to Senri and Osaka International Schools.

Taxi - From Senri Chuo Station (10 minutes), Kita Senri Station (5 minutes), or Mino Station (15 minutes) to Senri and Osaka International Schools.

  • From Senri Chuo Station (10 minutes), Kita Senri Station (5 minutes), or Minoh Station (15 minutes) to Senri and Osaka International Schools.
  • SOIS Address: 〒562-0032 大阪府箕面市 小野原西4-4-16

4 Chome-4-16 Onoharanishi, Minoo,

Osaka 562-0032


Hankyu Bus timetable

Departures to and from Senri Chuo and Kita Senri from the school can be access here. (This is the new bus timetable starting from 1 April 2017).

Train timetables

  • Search in English from Hyperdia (not a great interface, but accurate and powerful - don't include spaces in station names when searching, just the first few characters of name is enough to start).
  • Jorudan (English/Japanese) offers a nicer look, but isn't quite as powerful in its search features.

Other resources:

English Subway map pdf- from the Osaka Municipal Transportation Bureau
