Catholic Resources

Seek and You Will Find

One of the commands our Lord gave to those who would be disciples, to those who would bind themselves to Him and thus get to Heaven, was: seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened. The converse is also true: don't seek, and you won't find. This instruction or command to seek is repeated frequently throughout Scripture in various ways. The parable of the sower, for example, whose seed fell on...the path, rocky ground, and amongst the thorns...deepens His command to seek and find.

It should not be surprising that our Lord commands us to seek Him. Getting to Heaven, which is what He wants for us, is a matter of using this life to build relation with Him and building relation with Him (with God) is not unlike building relation with anyone else. One of the first things we have to do is get to know the person. In this case, that means seeking out that which He has told us about Himself, i.e., learning the faith.

The purpose of this page is not to try to teach the faith (what God has revealed) in a thorough, rigorous, and systematic way. That is too big of a task for one webpage. The purpose of this page is rather to simply help a person get started knowing the faith in a deeper and fuller way, to spark the mind to engage with God, to get started in the essential task of knocking and seeking. Getting started is often the hard part. Once a person starts, then they often can and will seek out more and more. This page, then, simply provides a few resources that are intended to help a person get started in really thinking about God, the faith, and eternal life. These resources are not enough -- they are here just to prompt or initiate further seeking, further knocking.

To help illustrate this purpose, consider a few of the tabs provided. One is for "Catholic News." Many adults enjoy reading or listening to "the news." Thus, Catholic news can serve as a nice little segue into a greater engagement in the faith. Furthermore, many of these Catholic news websites provide faithful commentary on contemporary as well as theological and liturgical topics.

There is also a "Saints" tab. The lives and writings of the canonized saints teach the faith. The "Saints" page is a woefully inadequate presentation of just a few saints, which points out (once again) that this page is here only to help a person get started in seeking.

Having good, reliable Catholic reading materials is invaluable in growing in the interior life. Thus, some reliable Catholic book publishers are also provided.

Would you rather listen than read, or maybe do some of both? There is a "Catholic Preachers" tab as well. These are some excellent, more contemporary, Catholic preachers but there are probably many more available on the internet.

May the good God inspire you to seek more and seek well!