Be Still and Know That I Am God

Catholic Parishes of

Saints Simon & Jude Parish, Flandreau, SD

 Saint Peter Parish, Colman, SD

Father Shane Stevens, Pastor

Father Scott Miller, Parochial Vicar

  Mailing address:  105 S. Bates St.,   Flandreau   SD  57028

Sts Simon & Jude  (SS&J)

105 S Bates St      Flandreau SD

Click on picture for more information 

St Peter  (SP)

(physical address) 

200 N Allen Ave      Colman SD

Click on picture for more information

Our Lady of Good Counsel  (OLGC)

(physical address) 

202 West 7th St       Elkton, SD

OLGC is now in Pastorate 8 with St. Thomas More - Brookings

Click on picture for more information

Marilyn, Secretary-Bookkeeper


Office Hours:  9:00 am - 4:30 pm 

Tuesday at SS&J, Flandreau

Call: 605-997-2610

Wednesday and Thursday

 at St. Mary's, Dell Rapids

Call:  605-428-3990

Will you protect life.pdf

Weekend Mass Schedule

Pastorate 9


 4:30 PM - St. Mary’s Dell Rapids

 5:00 PM - St. Joseph Huntimer


 8:00 AM - St. Mary’s Dell Rapids

 8:30 AM - St. Peter’s Colman

10:00AM - St. Mary’s Dell Rapids

10:30AM - Sts Simon & Jude Flandreau



3:30 – 4:15 PM - St. Mary's, Dell Rapids 

4:00 – 4:45 PM - St. Joseph the Workman, Huntimer 


8:00 AM - St. Peter's, Colman


Canceled on June 19, July 17 & July 24

5:30 - 6:30 PM - Sts. Simon and Jude, Flandreau

7:00 - 8:00 PM - St. Mary's, Dell Rapids 


Spend Time with Jesus

Every Wednesday

at St. Mary's, Dell Rapids  

9:00 am - 9:00 pm

The parishes of St. Peter (Colman) and Sts. Simon & Jude (Flandreau) are parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, SD, in full communion with the Holy See.  As of July 5th, we became part of pastorate #9 with St. Mary's (Dell Rapids) and St. Joseph the Workman (Huntimer).   Our Lady of Good Counsel (Elkton) became part of Pastorate 8 with St. Thomas More in Brookings.

 We freely acknowledge that we are sinners in need of God's Mercy, starting first and foremost with the pastor.  To enable us to receive the very mercy that restores real life and that our Lord came to bring, we strive to fulfill the mission that our Lord entrusted to His Catholic Church -- to teach and sanctify:

For those who wish to engage in this great mission, the very purpose of this life, please come, Catholic or not!  For those who do not, please study, pray, and continue to think deeply on the matter.  So many today have fallen prey to thinking that what they do and don't do doesn't matter, that even our Lord does not care what I do or don't do, and thus that I don't matter.  What we do and don't do does matter, it will matter, to both you and our Lord, the one Who became man and then gave His life so that we could have life in abundance.

May I receive Holy Communion?

You do not need to be Catholic in order to come to Mass.  By all means, come!  If you do not know when to stand, sit, and kneel -- don't worry about it, that is a small matter and one that will come with time.  But visitors, especially ones who may not be Catholic, or even Catholics and parishioners themselves, may wonder if they can receive Holy Communion.  It is a good, considerate, and thoughtful question.  The question will be taken up here but if you need somewhere to check when you come, the Pew Missal is used at all 3 of the parishes and the inside of the back cover provides the guidelines for reception of Holy Communion.

For Catholics: those who have been baptized, have made their First Communion, and are in a state of grace -- that is to say who are not conscious of any unconfessed mortal sin -- may receive Holy Communion.  Two common mortal sins today are: 1) missing Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day through one's own fault or choice; and 2) any use of sexuality outside of a valid marriage.  These are by no means the only mortal sins, only (perhaps) the most common ones today.  Mortal sin is called mortal because it completely breaks our relation with God.  Thus, if a Catholic is aware of a mortal sin that they have not yet taken to Confession, then they need to bring that to Confession before returning to Holy Communion.  

For Non-Catholics: Only those who have been received fully into the Catholic faith may receive Holy Communion, which means that baptized non-Catholics would need to be first received fully into the Church, and profess the Catholic faith, before receiving Holy Communion (if that is something you are interested in, go to the 'Becoming Catholic' page under the Liturgy tab). Of course a person might wonder why that is?  Marriage is a good analogy.  When a man and woman enter into a valid marriage, they are giving a full yes to each other but in doing so, they are saying no to all others; they are saying: to you and you alone do I enter into this particular love relationship.  They will love others but this particular love relationship is exclusive to them alone.  Marriage is a reflection of the nature of the relation that God wills to enter into with man and thus also the nature of our relationship with His Church -- the Mystical Body of Christ, with Christ as the head.  The nature of that relation is also meant to be full and exclusive, forsaking all others.  We are first joined to that Church with a profession of faith (like vows in a marriage), forsaking all others and then that relation is consummated with Holy Communion.  

When a Catholic comes to Communion, the priest raises the consecrated host, the person of Jesus, and says: the Body of Christ.  The person receiving Communion responds: Amen.  The Amen means: I believe.  But that Amen is much more than a simple acknowledgement of belief that this is truly the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, the person of Jesus.  It is like the vow of marriage.  It says: yes I give myself fully to you and only to you, exclusively to you (to your Mystical Body the Church), forsaking all others.  It is an Amen not to just one article of the faith but to all that God has revealed and teaches in and through His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, it is an Amen to His Church.  

The Church has no desire to exclude anyone from Communion, in fact the exact opposite is true.  The Church, following our Lord, wants everyone to come into full Communion with His one Mystical Body, the Church, with Him as the head.  It is simply a falsehood to claim otherwise.  The Lord gave His Church the responsibility for guiding everyone to this full communion.  The Church has no alternative but to follow our Lord and His will faithfully; it is not a right as much as it is a God-given duty.  Should we betray Him because someone demands that we do?  Was this not the way of Judas Iscariot and even Lucifer himself?  Is this the kind of Church you want to be part of, one that readily tosses aside the Divine Will in favor of human will?  

One thing to guard against, especially today -- Catholics and non-Catholics alike -- is a sense of entitlement, a form of pride that has become very prevalent; an entitlement that says I should get whatever I want and no one has a right (or duty) to set terms for me, not even in your own house!  Humility is the most fundamental of all the virtues; we cannot have any other virtue, not even a living faith, without it.  You can barely turn a page of Scripture without at least some implicit condemnation of pride and an exhortation to humility.  Which is humble, to say: 1) yes Lord, you set the terms, or: 2) No, God or whoever you are, I set the terms?   And how can real humility be lived out if there is not a real authority, a prophet (one who speaks on behalf of God, under the guidance and inspiration of God), here on earth to tell us those terms?   If it is simply me who decides the terms, then we are back to #2, the way of Judas, the way of Lucifer.  He did give us an authority, a prophet, and it is the Catholic Church.  Do not be afraid of this.  It is good, even necessary, to have a guide and a protector.