Week of May 4 - May 8

All About Bugs!

This week's activities are all about bugs! Explore the activities your teachers have prepared for you below.


  • Activity 1 – Find 10 items (little rocks, sticks, flower, etc.) outside/inside

  • Activity 2 – Use the items that you found to count to 10, forwards and backwards (adding and subtracting)

  • Activity 3 – If you have a flashlight, pretend you are a firefly. Turn the room light off, then turn the flashlight off/on, compare the difference between light and dark.


  • Activity 1 – This is an “action” book. Stand up, and get ready to move! As I read the story, follow the movements. Get creative and have fun.

  • Activity 2 – Listen for the rhyming words. See how many more rhyming words you can come up with (create).

  • Activity 3 – Identify some differences between the animals that fly and those on the ground.


  • Actividad 1: Dibujen una mariquita y ponjalen los puntos negros.

  • Actividad 2: Escriban por que creen que la mariquita estaba malhumorada.

  • Actividad 3: Escriban porque ustedes se poden malhumorados.


  • Actividad 1: Canten Las hormiguitas.

  • Actividad 2: Dibujar una hormiga .

  • Actividad 3: Construyan una hormiga de papel.

Math / Matematicas

Numbers 11-20 / Numeros de 11-20

Write the number on paper, create them with playdough or sticks or anything else.

Escribir los números en papel, hacer los números con plastilina o palitos o lo que tengan.

Counting objects / Contar objetos

Count with items around the house, toys, cans, pasta, etc.

Contar usando objetos que tengan el la casa como juguetes, botes, latas, pasta etc.