Week of April 13 - April 17

April 13 - April 17

This week is all about weather!

ELAR Read Aloud #1

Book #1 Activities: Storm Is Coming activities

1. talk about thunder, lightning, rain, and wind. Create the sounds of thunder, lightning, rain, and wind. What objects can make these sounds? Which is the quietest and the loudest.

2. What do you do and where do you go during a storm? How do you feel during a storm? Draw it and tell.

3. You can’t see wind, but you can feel it. The wind can move lots of things. Go outside on a windy day and feel it and look for things that the wind can move. Draw pictures of what the wind can move.

ELAR Read Aloud #2

Book #2 Activities: It Looked Like Spilt Milk activities

1.Go outside and look for shapes in the clouds. You might have to do this activity on another day. What do you see?

2. How many clouds do you see? Count the clouds.

3. Look at the clouds and draw what you see.

SLAR Read Aloud #1

SLAR Read Aloud #2

Color hunting / búsqueda de colores

What colors do you see around your house / Que colores encuentras en tu casa?