Week of April 20 - April 24

All About the Farm

This week our activities are all about the farm!

ELAR Activity #1

1. Activities Take a Virtual Tour-A Day on the Farm. https://www.farmfood360.ca/

2. Draw a picture of your favorite farm animal. Parents or children write “My favorite farm animal is ____.” Answer the question and draw the picture of the animal. Discuss with your parents why you chose that animal. What would you do with your farm animal?

3. Identify the rhyming farm words throughout the book.

4. Discuss “Where do you think the bats were going?’ “Why do they fly at night?” Research the answer.

ELAR Activity #2

1. Write your name. (practice, practice, practice)

2. Parents write the names of farm animals. Kids you name the first letter in the word and write the letter. If you can write the whole word let's do it. Practice writing. Discuss the sound the letters make (beginning letter of each word).

3. Count the eggs in the book. Can you count higher? Practice counting to 100.

4. Parents say “farm” words and clap out the syllables. Ex. “hen”(1 clap 1 syllable), say "rooster" and then clap it (2 claps) which means 2 parts to the word.

5. Sing “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe.” Words are on the read aloud video.

SLAR #1 - iAy caramba!

SLAR #2 - Un beso en mi mano

  • Escriban cómo se sienten cuando dejan a sus mamás en casa para ir a la escuela.

  • Dibujen su mano en un papel de color y corten la mano que dibujaron y pongan el beso de su mama en la mano. Si quieren mandenme una foto por class dojo.

Math / Matematicas

  • Look for numbers around your house / buscar numeros en tu casa

  • Create numbers with things /Crear números con cosas