Kindergarten Math

How to Access Think Central

If a teacher did not provide your child with login information, you may use the following information to log in to access our Math Curriculum.

Step 2:

Complete the Following Information

1) Country: United States

2) State: TEXAS

3) District: Snyder Ind School District

4) School: Snyder Elementary

5) Username: spskinder

6) Password: snydertigers

Step 3:

Click on "My Library" and Start Learning :)

May 11 - May 15

  • Practice simple subtraction problems with your child out loud. Example. If you have 5 cookies and I eat 2 of them, how many cookies do you have left? (Repeat with other numbers and objects up to 10)

  • Practique problemas de resta simples con su hijo en voz alta. Ejemplo. Si tienes 5 galletas y yo me como 2, ¿cuántas galletas te quedan? (Repita con otros números y objetos hasta 10)

May 4 - May 8

  • Act out the addition problems from last week with objects.

  • Representa los problemas de suma de la semana pasada con objetos.

April 27 - May 1

  • Practice simple addition problems with your child out loud.

    • Example. "If you have 2 cookies and I give you 3 more, how many cookies do you have in all?"

      • (Repeat with other numbers and objects up to 10)

  • Practique problemas de suma simples con su hijo en voz alta.

    • Ejemplo. "Si tiene 2 cookies y yo le doy 3 más, ¿cuántas cookies tiene en total?"

      • (Repita con otros números y objetos hasta 10)

April 20 - April 24

Identifying/Representing Numbers:

  • Point & say numbers around your house and then practice writing the numbers

  • Señale y diga números alrededor de su casa y luego practique escribir los números

April 13 - April 17

Practice Counting:

  • Practice counting backward from 20 to 1

  • Practica contar hacia atrás de 20 a 1

April 6 - April 10

This week we practice counting. Use the 100 chart here.

  • Count 100 objects around your home / Cuenta 100 objetos alrededor de tu casa


March 30 - April 3

Continue exploring 3D Shapes with us. Check out the fun activities we have in store for you this week!

March 23 - March 27

This week is all about 3D shapes. Check out the learning activities below to learn and explore the world of 3D shapes around us!

Count & Draw Shapes

Count how many 3D shapes you can find around your house and draw pictures of them

Cuente cuántas formas 3D puede encontrar alrededor de su casa y dibuje imágenes de ellas

Share on Dojo!!

Comparte a Class Dojo!!

Shape Scavenger Hunt

Have your child identify 3D shapes around your house (examples: Sphere, cylinder, cube, cone)

Haga que su hijo identifique formas 3D alrededor de su casa (ejemplos: esfera, cilindro, cubo, cono)

Share Your Shapes on Dojo!!

Comparte tus formas a Class Dojo!!

  • Username: kindermath

  • Password: snydertigers

Think Central Lessons for 3D Shapes

Module 18 - 3D Shapes

If you'd like to access our Math Curriculum, click the Math on the Spot logo to the left. If directed to a login, please use the information below:

  • Username: kindermath

  • Password: snydertigers