Solutionary Teaching and Learning Resources

Solutionary teaching and learning involves the process of students analyzing "wicked" problems, identifying the inhumane and unsustainable systems that perpetuate them, and then developing solutions that do the most good and least harm for all.

Solutionary Teaching Strategies

Solutionary Teaching Strategies: This collection of strategies has been adapted and developed with input from colleagues at multiple institutions - Presidio Graduate School, Bishop O’Dowd High School, the Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), the San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE), the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI), and the Institute for Human Education (IHE)). The strategies are categorized under the following  umbrellas: Thinking Styles, Skills, and Lenses, Knowledge Building Research Tools, and Collaborative, Interactive, and SEL Tools.

Solutionary and Environmental Books: This book list (and some videos) provides examples of solutionary stories of action and advocacy, or are books that explore environmental themes. Many are children’s books, which are great for both primary and secondary students. The curated list includes a number of sections: 

Solutionary Teaching and Learning Frameworks, Exemplars, and Templates

There are a number of different frameworks and resources that can be used for Solutionary Teaching and Learning. Check out the resources below to get started. 


Two different frameworks that have been used in this program include the following. More resources for these frameworks and solutionary teaching strategies can be found on the Solutionary Teaching and Learning resources page at the Resources Center for Sustainable and Climate Resilient Schools Changemakers


The exemplar units below have been developed in collaboration with the San Mateo County Office of Education, and San Joaquin Teachers College Environmental Literacy Master's Degree Program. These exemplars are standards aligned, and include many take-and-teach activities for both virtual (distance/remote) and on-site learning. See Exemplar Units below - grade band level units (K-2, 3-5, and 6-12) are embedded:


The following documents are templates that can be used by teachers for designing and implementing their own solutionary curriculum:

Sharing Nature 

Sharing Nature is a worldwide movement dedicated to helping people deepen their relationship with nature. The Sharing Nature  movement uses creative nature activities and Flow Learning, a revolutionary teaching system that centers ecological principles. Flow learning teaches principles of ecology and natural sciences through experiential games and stories.  Sharing Nature provides trainings that incorporate the latest research on play theory and why play is integral to profound learning. 

Solutionary Teacher Interview and Case Studies

Browse case studies and interviews from previous ESTF program participants on SMCOE's Environmental Literacy and Sustainability website.