Deliverables and Capstone Presentation

All ESTF cohorts will submit two final deliverables: 

1) Written Case Study and 

2) Capstone Slide Presentation 

Utilize the resources below to learn more about these requirements. 

*Note for fellows working on teams: If you are working on a team, you will be submitting the case study as an individual (totally fine to have the parts about what you did be the same as your colleagues!) so that we can capture the story from your classroom and your personal journey.

Curriculum Planning 

The resources in this section are provided to help you plan your solutionary instruction. They are meant to help you with your planning, but they are not a required deliverable for the fellowship. You can choose which options will best fit your curriculum and instructional mapping. 

Case Study Reflection

Each fellow that participates will complete an Environmental Solutionary Teacher Fellowship Case Study. This is a written reflection about participation in the program and curricular outcomes. To learn more or to get started on your case study, select the best cohort link below: 

View previous fellow case studies on the SMCOE ESTF Website (scroll down to bottom)

Capstone Presentation

Date & Time:  March 28, 2024, 4 - 7 pm

Location: TBD

Overview: The presentation will be a 7-8 minute live presentation that showcases highlights and reflections from the written case study and overall experience in the Environmental Solutionary Teacher Fellowship Program. You are welcome to utilize this Capstone Slide Deck Template, or you can get as creative as you want to tell your story.