Writing Program Contacts & Requests

Nathaniel Rivers, PhD

Professor of English

Associate Director of the Core: Eloquentia Perfecta: Written and Visual Communication

Coordinator, Writing Program




Office Hours: TR 9:00 AM-10:00 AM Central or by appointment.

Use Calendly to Schedule

Brook Shatto, MA

PhD Student, Department of English

Assistant to the Writing Program Coordinator



Office Hours: TBD

Requests & Letters

Do you need permission slips or letterhead? A short-term class substitute or other materials you don't see currently available? Do you have materials you would like to share with others? 

Please see the documents and forms below!

Student Work Permission Slip.pdf
Copy of Letterhead.docx

To request a substitute teacher or materials, or for help accessing other resources, please email Sydney at sydney.rice@slu.edu

Please note: While using Eloquentia Perfecta, if you notice any typographical or content errors, please notify us using this form.

Additional Resources and Contacts

Research and Technology Resources

Saint Louis University Libraries

To assist students with research and research-related resources 

They offer Writing Program-specific assistance and specialized technology via the Academic Technology Commons!

Compass Lab: Computer Assisted Instruction Lab

To assist students and instructors with technology and multimodal composition

They offer a wide array of equipment, access to subscription services, and resources to use them!

Student Success Center

University Writing Services

To assist students in their composition development through 1-on-1 consultations (and workshops!)

Tutoring & Supplemental Instruction

To assist students in subject-specific topics through 1-on-1 or large-group study

Disability Services

To assist students in academic equity through accessibility, accommodations, and resources

Student Success Coaching

To assist students in academic and socio-emotional wellbeing through 1-on-1 support

Wellbeing and Professional Development

Dean of Students Office

To assist students in quality of life issues and times of crisis

University Counseling Center

To assist students in a variety of ways, including adjustment to college life

Reinert Center (CTTL)

To assist instructors in professional and pedagogical development

Concerned for a student's absences or academic performance? 

Steps and Considerations*

*Note: If you are concerned about a potential matter of plagiarism, reach out to the Writing Program Coordinator before contacting the student or advisors.