Assignment Prompts

Click the arrow icon in the corner of any document below to open and/or download the file in a new window.

Short Writings & Other Miscellany

In the case of assignments collected from ENGL 1500 and 4000, courses have been noted in parentheses. Those notes are merely recommendations, though! Any of these assignments could be modified and repurposed for any course or theme.

Nature and Ecology SWAs.docx
Space and Nature Descriptions
Film Review (1500)
Assessment Memos.pdf
Group Assessment Memos (4000)
Short Writing Assignment 1_1900.15_LTE.pdf
Report and Analysis
Research Binder
Group Literature Review (4000)
Personal Narrative (1500)
Professional Profile (4000)
Stakeholder Analysis.docx
Stakeholder Analysis/Interview
1920_Assignment #1Technical Description.docx
Technical Description (4000)
1920_Assignment #2 Instructions.docx
Technical Process (4000)
Rebranding Proposal.pdf
Rebranding Proposal (4000)
Critical Literacy Narrative.docx
Critical Literacy Narrative (1500)
Essay 1_ Implicit Claims Analysis.docx
Implicit Claims Analysis (1500)
1500 Reflection_ Advice Letter.docx
Advice Letter (1500)

Composing Multimodally

Photo Essay.pdf
Photo Essay (1500)
Postmortem Podcast.pdf
Postmortem Podcast (1500)
Marketing Campaign.pdf
Marketing Campaign, with Media Kits (4000)
Reading Responses
Ad Analysis Description.pdf
Ad Analysis and Composition

Samples of multimodal projects and other great resources for multimodal work can be found through the Compass Lab!

See also a rubric for videos and other multimodal resources:


ENGL 1900 Required Assignments

Dissoi Logoi

Note: all of the examples below ask students to engage in dissoi logoi beyond two perspectives or "sides." Students should not be able to compose two contrasting essays. Effective dissoi logoi prompts should ask students to engage in - at minimum - three (and probably at most four) key perspectives, sides, stakeholders, or other significant factors personalized to your course and theme.

Dissoi Logoi Example 1
Dissoi Logoi.docx
Dissoi Logoi Example 2
Assignment 1_Dissoi Logoi with Service.docx
Dissoi Logoi Service Example

Dissoi Logoi Rubric

In addition to the dissoi logoi assignment prompt, Writing Program instructors are expected to evaluate these projects using this rubric.

While some changes can be made to the rubric (adding an assessment criteria to meet a special course outcome), be aware that instructors should not make significant changes to the four key criteria included here.

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose with Media Research.docx
SoP w/ Media Research

Multimodal + Process (with Rubric)

Multimedia Rubric.docx

Evaluation Argument
