Distance Learning

Distance learning is new for all of us. Review some tips for staying focused and being successful in your virtual classes.


Video Chat Etiquette

Please review the video chat etiquette below from SKSD Tech Coach Corey Lennon

  1. Show up early if possible

This is true for any meeting and allows you time to check your camera, microphone, and any other issues you might run into BEFORE the meeting begins.

  1. Mute your microphone

Once the meeting begins and your teacher begins talking, mute your mic so others are not distracted by background noise you may have. When it is your turn to talk, simply unmute your mic to speak, then mute it again when you are finished.

  1. Do your best to set up in front of a nice, clean background

Before the meeting, set-up in a location that has a clear background free from any distractions. If you can go to a quiet room that has a blank wall, this would be best. Make sure there is nothing in the background/behind you that you don’t want others to see. The purpose of the meeting is to learn from the teacher, not be distracted by each other’s backgrounds.

  1. Wear clothes

This may seem silly, but we are all at home; however, this does not mean you can hop in front of your computer or phone without a shirt. Be presentable. Wear would you would to school on a jeans day. Again, don’t be distracting to others with what you are wearing.

  1. How to ask questions

While the teacher is instructing, if you have a question, type the question in the chat box on the side. Your teacher will answer your question at the end or address it as he/she sees fit. DO NOT INTERRUPT YOUR TEACHER WITH A QUESTION WHILE THEY SPEAKING or PRESENTING!!! You can also wait until the end of the meeting and wait for others to get off the chat to ask your question one-on-one.

  1. If your teacher has their camera on, you should have yours on too

It is polite to do what the presenter is doing. If your teacher’s camera is on, you should also have your camera on. If your teacher is simply talking while presenting it is ok to not have your camera on (unless your teacher tells you otherwise).

Follow this rule of etiquette, UNLESS your teacher tells you differently.

OR tell your teacher why, if you have a valid reason for not having your camera on

  1. Only use the chat for class purposes

Do not use the chat feature to share every little feeling/emotion during this time, or to talk to others while the teacher is presenting.

  1. Use appropriate language

Even though a video chat is not a physical classroom it is a virtual classroom, so let’s honor that by using academic language. Do not use slang words or other inappropriate language during this time.

  1. Be focused

This is a classroom still, so do not play on your phone, play video games, etc. during this time. Give your full attention to your teacher. This time should not be used to multi-task. Also, refrain from flipping back and forth between tabs on your computer UNLESS your teacher has asked you to.

  1. When speaking, look at the camera

If you are speaking or asking a question during the video chat, look at the camera. This is comparable to looking people in the eye when you speak to them. DO NOT try to speak if you cannot be seen on screen.