
Logging in to the SKHS Library Catalog is easy!

  1. Click the link above or below

  2. Click Login in the top right corner

  3. Click Sign in with Google and use your SK account.

Tips for Browsing the SKHS Library Online Catalog

Powered by Destiny Discover

Once you're logged in, you can search for books by keyword, title, author or subject.

Simply click on "Search Options" to the right of the search box and make your selection.

The ebook carousel is located at the top, followed by audiobooks, and titles that have been recently added.

For a short tutorial on how to use the SKHS Library Online Catalog click on the video below.

Want to access any SKHS Library ebooks you have checked out from your smartphone or tablet?

Simply download the free Destiny Read app from your device's app store and follow the directions below

  1. Open the app and tap the drop down menu under "Location"

  2. Select Rhode Island

  3. Tap the text bar below "School" and type in "South Kingstown HS Library, Wakefield"

  4. When the log in screen appears, Sign in with Google

Access Ebooks via SORA