Physical Education provides students with the knowledge and understanding of how to live a healthy and active lifestyle, enabling them to make informed choices about their own physical development.

So much more than ‘just’ playing sport.

Students will be assessed as a sports performer but also on their applied knowledge of anatomy, physical training, use of data, psychology, socio-cultural influences and health and well-being.  Students need to be able to work well individually, in pairs and in groups/teams to ensure success and high attendance is essential. If opting for GCSE PE participation in a competitive Sport is essential. 

PE as a qualification is not all about level of fitness or how well you performa in a chosen sport it is also learning about the theory side of sport including health and wellbeing, scientific knowledge, particularly Biology.  


Whilst there are lot who dream about being the next Lioness or Rinaldo very few will achieve such heights, but that is not to say you can't have dreams and achieve in other careers within Sports & Fitness.  

Study a subject that feeds the fitness industries which is now a major part of the economy. The UK now has over 9 million gym members, making the industry £4.4 billion in gym memberships alone. Many employers now actively seek those who have studied a practical subject like P.E, due to the skills that are developed, such as teamwork, leadership, communication, determination, strategical thinking and self-motivation.

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