Course Requirements and Disclosures


Students and parents are required to sign an expectation contract, attend a one-time mandatory AP Parent meeting, and AP Orientation course on Canvas. There is a fee for the required end-of-year AP exam. College credit may be earned with an appropriate score on the exam.


2023-2024 AP Exam Fees (2024-2025 fees are not yet available):

AP Research or AP Seminar         $150 per exam

All other AP Exams $100 per exam



Juan Diego offers concurrent or dual enrollment options through Utah Valley University. This concurrent track offers students potential college credits that transfer to colleges and universities in Utah and many out-of-state schools. College credit is offered to students, so long as they meet certain grade or test thresholds required by the university. Credit hours offered vary by course. Students are responsible for college enrollment/courses fees and the purchase of textbooks. A UVU application fee, good for two years, and a Utah state fee must be paid online with a credit card during the first two weeks of the course. A course tuition fee of $25 per UVU credit hour (2023-24 rate) is paid directly to Juan Diego. College transcripts will be available from Utah Valley University for those who complete the course with a grade of C or higher and have paid the three fees in full. Students must complete the college registration process and pay fees within JD mandated deadlines or students will be removed from the course. Parental permission may be required to enroll in the colleges. 

Juan Diego also will be offering concurrent courses through Arizona State University. This concurrent track offers students potential college credit that will transfer to most accredited universities. Credit hours offered vary by course. The amount to participate through ASU’s Universal Learner Coursework consists of a $25* registration fee as well as a $400* credit conversion fee (*estimated amount), students can opt to just take the course and not pay for the credit conversion. Each student who passes the course has up to one calendar year to complete the credit conversion payment. These ASU courses will be taught collaboratively by the college professor as well as our Juan Diego designated teacher.


Courses offered at Juan Diego are "blended" online courses that are taught in conjunction with Arizona State University, ASUPrepDigital and the Utah State Board of Education. Juan Diego provides the “in-class” portion of the content and the teacher for the class itself. In many ways, these blended-learning online classes look and feel like other classes offered at Juan Diego. The key difference in this approach is that students have 24-hour virtual access to the learning materials (handouts, interactive presentations, quizzes, test-preps, etc.) with faculty present (in the classroom and online) to develop, guide, and provide a digital dialog with students as they progress through the semester. There are no additional online fees for these courses.