Technology That Boosts Learning

Teacher librarians play an important role in guiding students to technology that can provide them with access to information and enable collaboration with others around the world. They can also help classroom teachers to integrate technology into their lessons using the SAMR model, which involves moving beyond simple replacements to a deeper student-centered level of technological integration called "redefinition." The library should offer a wide variety of educational tools, including online databases, collaborative tools like Google Docs and Zoom, mind mapping tools like Google Draw and Canva, and multimedia tools like iMovie and Audacity. Through these tools, students can learn content and skills together, in support of a creative end.


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Flynn, & Rivera, K. (2022). Don’t Avoid Controversial Literature: Your Students’ Psychological Health Depends on It. Education 142(3), 153–156.

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Rysavy, & Michalak, R. (2019). Leveraging Library Technology: Non-Library uses of library technology. Journal of Library Administration, 59(1), 59–73.

 Top, Gurer, M. D., Baser, D., Akayoglu, S., & Akkus, R. (2021). One-on-One Technology Mentoring for In-Service Teachers: The Experiences of Future ICT Coordinators. International Journal of Technology in Education, 4(4), 847–.

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