
Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire (photo taken in 2010). Residence of the Melbournes in Lady Caroline's lifetime.

Harold Toze / Palladian bridge at Brocket Hall / CC BY-SA 2.0, Hertfordshire. Residence of the Melbournes in Lady Caroline's lifetime.

Dover House, in Whitehall, the Melbourne's residence in London. It later became the Scotland Office.

Chatsworth House, the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire's home, where Lady Caroline spent much time as a child.

Bessborough House in Kilkenny, Ireland today.

Bessborough House in Kilkenny, Ireland, 19th C.

The Albany, in London, furnished Byron with his apartments for a period. It was the First Lord Melbourne's (William's father's) residence from 1776 to 1802, then converted to bachelor apartments. LCL visited on more than one occasion disguised as a page.

John Murray Publishers' fireplace at 50 Albemarle Street, where Byron's memoirs were burned after his death in 1824. Some have speculated that Lady Caroline copied the memoirs when she was allowed by Murray to borrow the MS, but nothing has ever been found.