Paul Douglass

Paul Douglass is Professor Emeritus of English and American Literature at San Jose State University, where he chaired the English Department and directed the Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies and the Steinbeck Fellows Program. His research interests include British Romanticism, Modern American Literature, Literary Theory, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature--Music, Philosophy, and Aesthetics. He is the author and editor of several books, including Lady Caroline Lamb: A Biography (Palgrave 2004). His selection of Lady Caroline Lamb's letters, The Whole Disgraceful Truth, was published by Palgrave in 2006). With Leigh Wetherall-Dickson, he edited The Works of Lady Caroline Lamb in three volumes (Pickering and Chatto, 2009). In 2007 he received the Elma Dangerfield Award of the International Byron Society for publication of new and original work related to the life, works and times of the 6th Lord George Gordon Noel Byron the Poet. In 2009 he was chosen President's Scholar of San Jose State University.

Douglass is also co-editor, with Frederick Burwick, of a facsimile edition of Lord Byron and Isaac Nathan's A Selection of Hebrew Melodies, Ancient and Modern (University of Alabama Press, 1988). He and Frederick Burwick (UCLA), created the Romantic-Era Songs Web-Site dedicated to enabling scholars and music-lovers greater access to recordings of the Theater and Popular Songs, Catches, Airs, and Art Songs of the Romantic Period, including some modern settings of Romantic-era lyrics.



The Romantics in Italy: Dante, Italian Culture, and Romantic Literature. Ed. with introduction and contributions by Frederick Burwick and Paul Douglass. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

T. S. Eliot, Dante, and the European Tradition. Ed. and with a contribution by Paul Douglass. Cambridge, England: Cambridge Scholars P, 2011.

The Claremont Graduate University: A History of Its Early Development, by Malcolm Paul Douglass. Ed. by [Malcolm] Paul Douglass [Jr.] Claremont: CGU (Xlibris), 2010.

The Works of Lady Caroline Lamb. Ed. by Leigh Wetherall Dickson and Paul Douglass. 3 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2009. Nominated by the publisher for the 2011 MLA Prize for a Distinguished Scholarly Edition.

The Whole Disgraceful Truth: Selected Letters of Lady Caroline Lamb. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Lady Caroline Lamb: A Biography. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

The Crisis in Modernism: Bergson and the Vitalist Controversy. Ed. by Frederick Burwick and Paul Douglass. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. Repr. 2010.

Cradle of the Copperheads: A Novel by Jesse Stuart. Ed. and with an introduction by Paul Douglass. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.

A Selection of Hebrew Melodies, Ancient and Modern, by Isaac Nathan and Lord Byron, a facsimile. Ed. and with an introduction and notes by Frederick Burwick and Paul Douglass. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1988.

Bergson, Eliot, and American Literature. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1986.


The Steinbeck Newsletter, Vol. 7 (1994), nos. 1 and 2.

Steinbeck Studies, vol. 16 (2005), issues 1 and 2.

Steinbeck Review—merged with Steinbeck Studies, Vols. 3-7 (2006-2011) and continuing.


"On a Special Copy of Caroline Lamb's Glenarvon Recently Discovered in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek." Co-authored with Ria Grimbergen. The Byron Journal 37, 2 (2009): 151-60.

“Twisty Little Passages: Editing Glenarvon.” The Wordsworth Circle 40 (Spring and Summer 2009): 77-82.

“Lady Caroline Lamb’s Revisions to Her Novel Glenarvon: Some Observations.” Bulletin of the Byron Society in Australia 32 (2008): 31-38.

“An Interview With Corinne Cooke.” The Steinbeck Review 4, 1 (Spring 2007): 95-101.

“An Interview With Dr. James D. Watson.” The Steinbeck Review 4, 1 (Spring 2007): 115-118.

“Lord Byron’s Feminist Canon: Notes Toward Its Construction.” Romanticism on the Net #43 (August 2006). ISSN : 1467-1255 (electronic version)

“An Unpublished Letter of Lord Byron to Lady Caroline Lamb.” Notes and Queries (UK) Vol. 251 of continuous series, [New Series Vol. 53], no. 3 (September 2006): 322-23.

“That ‘Vital Spark of Genius’: Lady Caroline Lamb’s Writing Before Byron.” Co-authored with Rosemary March of Oxford University. Pacific Coast Philology 41 (2006): 43-62.

“ Paradise Decomposed: Byron’s Decadence and Wordsworthian Nature in Childe Harold III and IV.” The Byron Journal 34, 1 (Spring 2006): 9-19.

“Young Caroline: A Medea in the Making?” A View in the Rear-Mirror: Romantic Aesthetics, Culture, and Science Seen from Today—Festschrift for Frederick Burwick on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday. Studien zur Englischen Romantik #3. Ed. Walter Pape. Trier: Wissenschftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006. 73-88.

“Lady Caroline Lamb Before Byron: or, The Godfrey Vassal Webster Affair,” The Wordsworth Circle 36,3 (Summer 2005): 117-24.

“What Lord Byron Learned from Lady Caroline Lamb.” European Romantic Review 16,3 (July 2005): 273-81.

“Byron’s Life and His Biographers.” The Cambridge Companion to Byron, ed. Drummond Bone. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2004. 7-26.

“Isaac Nathan and Lady Caroline Lamb: A Response to Graham Pont.” Newstead Abbey Byron Society Review (January 2004): 88-89.

"Eliot's Hulme—Or Pound's." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews. 13, 1 (Winter 2000): 23-28.

"The Madness of Writing: Lady Caroline Lamb's Byronic Identity." Pacific Coast Philology (1999).

"Deleuze, Cinema, Bergson." Social Semiotics 8,1 (1998): 25-35.

"Playing Byron: Lady Caroline Lamb's Glenarvon and the Music of Isaac Nathan." European Romantic Review (1997).

"Reading the Wreckage: De-Encrypting Eliot's Aesthetics of Empire." Twentieth Century Literature 43,1 (Spring 1997): 1-26.

"Bionic Eye: The Resources and Limits of the Cinematic Apparatus." Pacific Coast Philology (1997).

"Deleuze and the Endurance of Bergson." Thought 67 (March 1992): 47-61.

"Loose Canon on the Deck," Pacific Coast Philology 24,1-2 (July 1991): 26-34.

"Modernism and Science: The Case of Pound's ABC of Reading " Paideuma, 18 (Spring & Fall, 1989): 187-96.

"'The Theory of Poetry Is the Theory of Life': Bergson and the Later Stevens," in Critical Essays on Wallace Stevens, Steven Gould Axelrod and Helen Deese, eds. G.K. Hall & Co., 1988. 245-60.

Cradle of the Copperheads : Education and the Career of Jesse Stuart," Appalachian Journal, 15 (Spring 1988): 224-36.

"Such as the Life Is, Such Is the Form: Organicism Among the Moderns," Approaches to Organic Form. D. Reidel, 1987. 253-273.

"Hebrew Melodies as Songs: Why We Need a New Edition," The Byron Journal 14 (1986): 12-21.

"Isaac Nathan's Settings for the Hebrew Melodies," English Romanticism: The Paderborn Symposium 1 (1985): 139-151.

"The Gold Coin: Bergsonian Intuition and Modernist Aesthetics," Thought 58 (June 1983): 234-50.

"Eliot's Cats: Serious Play Behind the Playful Seriousness," Children's Literature (Yale) 11 (1983), pp. 109-24.

"Opposition is True Friendship: Keeping Spirit and Body Together in the Writing Curriculum," Claremont Reading Conference Yearbook 46 (1982): 65-75.


British Romanticism and the Jews: History, Culture, Literature, by Sheila A. Spector for Keats-Shelley Journal (2005).

Review-Essay of Byron as Reader, Lord Byron: A Multidisciplinary Forum, and Byron: East and West for the Newstead Abbey Byron Society Review (2002).

Review-Essay of Joanne Wilkes’s Lord Byron and Madame de Staël, Paul Elledge’s Lord Byron at Harrow School, Jonathan Gross’s Byron: The Erotic Liberal, and Caroline Franklin’s Byron: A Literary Life for European Romantic Review (2002).

Byromania: Portraits of the Artist in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Culture by Frances Wilson for Keats-Shelley Journal (2001).

Byron's Le Corbeau Blanc: The Life and Letters of Lady Melbourne by Jonathan Gross for Keats-Shelley Journal (1999);

Byromania: Portraits of the Artist in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Culture by Frances Wilson and Byron's Le Corbeau Blanc: The Life and Letters of Lady Melbourne by Jonathan Gross for The Wordsworth Circle 30, 4 (Autumn 1999): 225-26.

Fantasy, Forgery, and the Byron Legend by James Soderholm in European Romantic Review (1998).

The Conservative Imagination by Philip Thody in The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms. 1,8 (1997).

Manuscripts of the Younger Romantics: A Facsimile Edition, with Full Transcriptions and Scholarly Apparatus . Lord Byron. Vol. XIII. The Prisoner of Chillon and Don Juan Canto IX, ed. Peter Cochran in Keats-Shelley Journal (1996).

T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years by Manju Jain in Philosophy and Literature (1994).

Minotaur: Poetry and the Nation State by Tom Paulin in Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature (1993).

Re-Making It New: Contemporary American Poetry and the Modernist Tradition by Lynn Keller in The Modern Language Review (1990).

The Romantic Foundations of the American Renaissance by Leon Chai in The Yearbook of English Studies (1990).

The Matrix of Modernism: Pound, Eliot, and Early Twentieth-Century Thought by Sanford Schwartz in Modern Language Quarterly (1986).


Interview with Paul Douglass on "From the Bookshelf" with Gary Shapiro, KUSP Santa Cruz (June 2005)

BBC 4 program on the Hebrew Melodies featuring interviews with several scholars, including Paul Douglass (2017)

“Late Hike” [poem]. Caesura. Spring 2007: 64.

Obituary of Leslie Marchand (Byron's biographer) in Australian Byron Society Newsletter 24 (2000): 25-26.

"Patronage of Writers, Explosion of Awards Corrode Independence of the Literary World." San Jose Mercury News. Section C, p. 1. Sunday, January 24, 1999.

Romantic-Era Songs Site: Theater and Popular Songs, Catches, Airs, and Art Songs of the Romantic Period, maintained by Paul Douglass in collaboration with Frederick Burwick.