Letters of Lady Caroline

NOTE: These transcription notes have been arranged in chronological order and are made available for researchers in the hope of stimulating further work on the life of Lady Caroline and her circle. Although they have been checked for accuracy, the transcriptions (which attempt to reproduce the original in its orthographic rawness) inevitably contain errors. The original letters should be consulted, and permission must be granted by the appropriate archive if they are to be quoted in published work.

Please contact Paul Douglass if you have any questions, corrections, or comments.

The letters are referenced by the call letters and catalogue labels employed by their various sources, and the correspondents and their locations (when they are clear) are noted. Shorthand has been used for Lady Caroline Lamb [LC before her marriage, and LCL thereafter]. For example, the first known letter written by Lady Caroline, which is held in the Castle Howard Archive is headed by this note:

LC to Georgiana, future 6th Countess of Carlisle. Castle Howard MSS J18/35/100 January 7th 1797. Caroline Ponsonby to Lady Georgiana Cavendish, Hardwick.

When no date was found on the original letter, but the date could be determined or narrowed down by biographical or other clues, including any archivist's notes appended to the original, this too is noted. For example, the second known letter of Lady Caroline is headed by this note, which includes the annotation "n.d." for "no date" and the reasons for probable dating suggested in brackets:

LC to Georgiana, future 6th Countess of Carlisle. Castle Howard MSS J18/35/91 n.d. C—Pons. Hardwick Jan'y 21st 9:00 to Lady G Cavendish. [1797 period and handwriting. Concerns “Mary” who was hired in late spring 1796 to govern Caroline’s misbehavior.]

All text that has been interpolated is bracketed. For example, Lady Caroline writes "Miss T" and the transcriber feels confident that she refers to "Miss Trimmer" (the author of educational works for children), so the transcription reads "Miss T[rimmer]."

In the case of missing or ambiguous text, brackets and question marks appear. For example: "Ld M[elbourne?]" or "–I know you are all [capining??] for want of me" or "Wm laughed out loud at your letter & [Lady?] [?] remarks he begs [??]"

In some cases, the researcher will find partial transcriptions or summaries. Occasionally, the only identifiable source of a letter is a print volume like Lady Bessborough and Her Family Circle or Ugo Foscolo: An Italian in Regency England. Some additional information about historical events, or the identities of persons named in the letters, is included in footnotes.

Note: All letters held by the John Murray Archive were viewed at 50 Albemarle Street, the site of the John Murray Publishing House, rather than their current location in archives of the National Library of Scotland, where they may consulted now. I am indebted to Virginia Murray for her kind assistance in my research. --PD