A Life of Art & Pain

Margot Strickland's "A Life of Art and Pain: Lady Caroline Lamb's Sketches," was published in Country Life (June 2, 1983), pp. 1486-1487. It is informed by her many years of research on Lady Caroline Lamb. Strickland's The Byron Women (1972) inaugurated the serious treatment of Lady Caroline and other women on their own terms and for their own merits, and not, as one might mistakenly think from her title, as satellites of great men. The Byron Women printed for the first time Lady Caroline's "A New Canto," a brilliant satirical send-up of Byron's Don Juan.

"A Life of Art and Pain" is reproduced here in honor of Margot Strickland's work.

"A Life of Art and Pain: Lady Caroline Lamb's Sketches," Country Life, June 2, 1983, p. 1486.

"A Life of Art and Pain: Lady Caroline Lamb's Sketches," Country Life, June 2, 1983, p. 1487.