Lady Caroline Lamb Film (1972)

Lady Caroline Lamb, Directed by Robert Bolt, released 1972. The movie is remarkable for portraying Byron negatively. It was the debut film for Bolt, who wrote the script. The film starred his wife, Sarah Miles. Bolt, who wrote the screenplays for A Man for All Seasons and Doctor Zhivago, never directed another film.

Also Known As: Peccato d'amore (1972) (Italy)

Runtime: 123 min


Sarah Miles Lady Caroline Lamb

Jon Finch William Lamb

Richard Chamberlain Lord Byron

John Mills George Canning

Margaret Leighton Lady Melbourne

Pamela Brown Lady Bessborough

Silvia Monti Miss Millbanke

Ralph Richardson King George III

Laurence Olivier Duke of Wellington

John Moffatt John Murray

Fanny Rowe Lady Holland

Michael Wilding Lord Holland

Movie Poster for Lady Caroline Lamb.

Richard Chamberlain and Sarah Miles as Byron and Lady Caroline. Publicity Still.

Publicity still with Richard Chamberlain as Byron and Sarah Miles as Lady Caroline disguised as Byron's Servant.

Movie Poster for Lady Caroline Lamb.