
Videos linked in the slideshow.

Database Keywords: (slides 16 to 54 are examples of SQL queries, not on exam or quiz)

Database Management System: Software that handles the storage, retrieval, and updating of data in a computer system.

Data independence: Change programs without altering data.

Data integrity: Keeping data accurate and correct as it is gathered and stored in the computer system. Includes Accuracy, Timely, Security and Concurrency which arises when applications attempt to modify the same piece of data at the same time. If two people are allowed to make changes to the same piece of data, the computer system must control the order in which it processes the two requests. Mixing the two tasks will result in the wrong data being stored in the computer.

Hierarchical Database Data model in which the data are organized into a tree-like structure.

Relation Database: A database in which all data is stored in flat tables that meet the normalization rules. Tables are logically connected by matching columns of data. System data—such as access rights, descriptions, and data definition—are also stored in tables. (Read the Wikipedia article down to Foreign Key).

Table ( (Microsoft summary) A method of storing data in a relational database. Tables contain data for one entity or object. The columns represent attributes, and

data for each item is stored in a single row. Each table must have a primary key.

Record (Row): A horizontal element that contains all of the data to describe an entity or object in a relational database or spreadsheet.

Field (Column): A vertical part of a table that holds data for one attribute of an entity in a database or spreadsheet. For example, a table to describe automobiles will have columns for make, model, and color. A field property applies to a particular field in a table and defines one of the field's characteristics or an aspect of the field's behavior.

Primary key: A column or set of columns that contains data to uniquely identify each row in a relational database table. For example, each customer must have a unique identifier, possibly a phone number or an internally generated customer number.

Foreign key: A table can also have one or more foreign keys. A foreign key contains values that correspond to values in the primary key of another table. For example, you might have an Orders table in which each order has a customer ID number that corresponds to a record in a Customers table. The customer ID field is a foreign key of the Orders table. (From Microsoft summary).

Table Relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many.

Referential Integrity: a property of data stating that all of its references are valid. In the context of relational databases, it requires that if a value of one attribute (column) of a relation (table) references a value of another attribute (either in the same or a different relation), then the referenced value must exist.

Schema: is its structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS). The term "schema" refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is constructed (divided into database tables in the case of relational databases).

Query: A database query extracts data from a database and formats it in a readable form. A query must be written in the language the database requires; usually, that language is Structured Query Language (SQL). For example, when you want data fro m a database, you use a query to request that specific information.

A SQL join In a query, a relationship is represented by a join.

Structured query language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS)

Normalization: The process of structuring a relational database in accordance with a series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. No repeating groups in columns.

Database administrators (DBAs) use specialized software to store and organize data. The role may include capacity planning, installation, configuration, database design, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, as well as backup and data recovery.

Data Scientist uses data and tools to solve problems.

NoSQL: a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

Other information not for quiz or exam

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