Review for Final Exam

Information from videos not included, just slides and supporting text.

Chapter 1

New Services: SAAS - software as a service. PAAS - platform as a service. IAAS infrastructure as a service. ITAAS - information technology as a service.

Chapter 2

Alphabets: ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode.

Computer Components: Input, Processing, Storage, Output (see slideshow for examples of each type of component). Motherboard. Central Processing Unit (CPU). Parallel Processing. Random Access Memory (RAM). Cache Memory. Magnetic Hard Drive. Solid State Drive (SSD). Universal Serial Bus Flash Drive (USB). Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM).

Server, definition and operation. Web Browser. Operating System: Single- and multi-tasking, Single- and multi-user, Distributed, Unix, macOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Kernel.

Chapter 3

Local Area Network. Router: definition, Operation, Application. Switch: Layers 1, 2, 3. Firewall. Network Interface Card (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, which is installed on a computer so that it can connect to a network.

Scalability, the ability of a computing process to be used or produced in a range of capabilities (Oxford Dictionary). Server farm.

Packet Switching and Circuit Switching.

Network neutrality, or simply net neutrality, is the principle that Internet service providers (ISPs) must treat all Internet communications equally, and not discriminate or charge differently based on user, content, website, platform, application, type of equipment, source address, destination address, or method of communication. From Wikipedia

Network Address Translation (NAT)

Chapter 4

Relation Database: A database in which all data is stored in flat tables that meet the normalization rules. Tables are logically connected by matching columns of data. System data—such as access rights, descriptions, and data definition—are also stored in tables.

Table ( (Microsoft summary) A method of storing data in a relational database. Tables contain data for one entity or object. The columns represent attributes, and

data for each item is stored in a single row. Each table must have a primary key.

Record (Row): A horizontal element that contains all of the data to describe an entity or object in a relational database or spreadsheet.

Field (Column): A vertical part of a table that holds data for one attribute of an entity in a database or spreadsheet. For example, a table to describe automobiles will have columns for make, model, and color. A field property applies to a particular field in a table and defines one of the field's characteristics or an aspect of the field's behavior.

Primary key: A column or set of columns that contains data to uniquely identify each row in a relational database table. For example, each customer must have a unique identifier, possibly a phone number or an internally generated customer number.

Foreign key: A table can also have one or more foreign keys. A foreign key contains values that correspond to values in the primary key of another table. For example, you might have an Orders table in which each order has a customer ID number that corresponds to a record in a Customers table. The customer ID field is a foreign key of the Orders table. (From Microsoft summary).

Table Relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many.

Referential Integrity: a property of data stating that all of its references are valid. In the context of relational databases, it requires that if a value of one attribute (column) of a relation (table) references a value of another attribute (either in the same or a different relation), then the referenced value must exist.

Schema: is its structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS). The term "schema" refers to the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is constructed (divided into database tables in the case of relational databases).

Query: A database query extracts data from a database and formats it in a readable form. A query must be written in the language the database requires; usually, that language is Structured Query Language (SQL). For example, when you want data from a database, you use a query to request that specific information.

A SQL join ... combines columns from one or more tables in a relational database. It creates a set that can be saved as a table or used as it is. (Wikipedia)

Normalization: The process of structuring a relational database in accordance with a series of so-called normal forms in order to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. No repeating groups in columns.

NoSQL: a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases.

Chapter 5

Threats to Users: Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse, Phishing,

Encryption: private key (symmetric cryptography) public key (asymmetric cryptography). Certificate Authority. Pretty Good Privacy (from Wikipedia)

Pubic keys are created as the product of two prime numbers. P1 X P2 = C where P1 and P2 are prime numbers and C is the public key.

Internet Firewall. Intrusion Detection System (like firewall it reads IP addresses).

Virtual Private Network: A VPN establishes an encrypted network from your computer (laptop) to the VPN server.

Denial of Service Attack.

Chapter 6

Bar Code, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), QR Code

Mass Customization: Mass customization is the process of delivering wide-market goods and services which are modified to satisfy a specific customer's need.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) The concept of businesses electronically communicating information that was traditionally communicated on paper, such as purchase orders and invoices. Proprietary EDI

Extensible Markup Language (XML) used to provide an open standard to exchange EDI information on the internet.

Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) A freely available and global framework for exchanging business information and reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities. It integrates applications throughout the enterprise into one compatible system.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) From Salesforce: a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers.

Chapter 7

Forms of Electronic Business: Four different e-business models to consider are business to consumer (B2C), business to business (B2B), consumer to consumer (C2C) and consumer to business (C2C)

Near Field Communications (NFC): technology lets smartphones and other enabled devices communicate with other devices containing a NFC tag.

Bitcoin: Each “coin” is a mathematical solution to a complex problem that contains about 21 million solutions. A bitcoin is a private key (asymmetrical encryption). Half of a digital signature. The other half is a public key. Each transaction is recorded cryptographically in a block chain to prevent people from double-spending a coin (or fraction).

Web Advertising: Click-through Rate, Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM), Cost per Click (CPC). Google Ads (previously adwords). Google Ads Bidding:


Web Advertising Placement, services include: Rotate ads, Track hits, Collect money

Chapter 8

Version Control. management of changes to documents, computer programs, large web sites, and other collections of information.

Wikis, a knowledge base website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser.

Information Rights Management: The creator of the document gets to specify the list of people who can open or edit a document.

Business Process Management (Workflow): methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes.

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) an interactive computer based system that facilitates a number of decision-makers (working together in a group) in finding solutions to problems that are unstructured in nature.

Chapter 9

Data Warehouse: A central repository of information. Holds multiple subject areas. Holds very detailed information. Works to integrate all data sources.

Data Mart: Often holds only one subject area

An OLAP cube is a multi-dimensional array of data. Online analytical processing (OLAP) is a computer-based technique of analyzing data to look for insights.

Optimization: the “best use” of limited resources available. The solver add-in for Excel uses linear programming to solve this type of problem.

Regression for Predition and Forecasting a statistical method that allows you to examine the relationship between two or more variables of interest.

Simulation an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system, allowing for what-if analysis.

Decision Support System (DSS), an information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities

Data Mining, the process of finding anomalies, patterns and correlations within large data sets to predict outcomes.

Correlation: a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs of variables are related.

Cluster Analysis: tries to identify homogenous groups of cases if the grouping is not previously known

Market Basket Analysis: What items do customers buy together?

Expert System (ES): a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. It makes a decision, often based on If-Then statements.

Decision Tree uses a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. Can be used to graph an expert system or as a decision support tool.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Machine Learning - Snowflake

Neural Network: are computing systems that are inspired by, but not identical to, biological neural networks that constitute animal brains, often designed for pattern recognition.

Chapter 10

Porter's Five Forces Model a tool for analyzing competition of a business. It draws from industrial organization (IO) economics. The five forces are the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of suppliers, competitive rivalry.

Barriers to Entry include Economies of Scale (size), Economies of Scope (breadth), Product Differentiation (patents), Cost Advantages (independent of size, such as better management or suppliers), Distribution Channel Access, Government Policy, Switching Costs

Chapter 11

Turn Key Systems: A computer system that has been customized for a particular application.

Chapter 12

Object Oriented Programming. The ultimate goal of the object-oriented approach is to build a set of reusable objects and procedures. The idea is that eventually, it should be possible to create new systems or modify old ones simply by plugging in a new module or modifying an existing object.

- Encapsulation: bundling data and methods that work on that data within one unit

- Inheritance: retaining similar implementation

- Polymorphism: the provision of a single interface to entities of different types

Systems Development Life Cycle: a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system. Steps include: Planning and Feasibility, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Maintenance. See slides 31 to 39. (Steps may be groped differently by different sources)

Systems Implementation Options: Direct Cutover, Parallel, Pilot, Phased Use Book

Agile Development comprises many approaches. Most agile development methods break product development work into small increments that minimize the amount of up-front planning and design.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) vs Extreme Programming Both agile methods.

Scrum (an Agile method) A simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products.

Data Flow Diagram: A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a way of representing a flow of a data of a process or a system (usually an information system). Know symbols for External Entity, Process, Data Store, Data Flow, Feedback and Control Data (slide 55)

Entity Relationship Diagram: a high-level conceptual data model diagram based on the notion of real-world entities and the relationship between them.

Use Case: a list of actions or event steps typically defining the interactions between a role and a system to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or other external system.

Chapter 13

Outsourcing (slide 14): the use of external service providers to effectively deliver IT-enabled business process, application service and infrastructure solutions for business outcomes. Offshoring is outsourcing to firms in other countries.

Service Level Agreement (SLA): An SLA is a defined performance measure that is specified in the contract.

Total Cost of Ownership: the purchase price of an asset plus the costs of operation.

Centralization v Decentralization (slide 22): Know advantages and disadvantages.

Thin Client: A thin client is a lightweight computer that has been optimized for remoting into a server-based computing environment.

Replication: Replication is the continuous copying of data changes from one database (publisher) to another database (subscriber).

Chapter 14

Privacy and cookies: Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer.

Intellectual Property: Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.

Digital Rights Management: technologies for restricting the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works.

Nondisclosure agreement: A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between at least two parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that the parties wish to share with one another for certain purposes, but wish to restrict access to or by third parties.