Binary Data

From Wikipedia

In modern computers, binary data refers to any data represented in form rather than interpreted on a higher level or converted into some other for m. At the lowest level, bits are stored in a bistable device such as a flip-flop. While most binary data has symbolic meaning (except for don't cares) not all binary data is numeric. Some binary data corresponds to computer instructions, such as the data within processor registers decoded by the control unit along the fetch-decode-execute cycle. Computers rarely modify individual bits for performance reasons. Instead, data is aligned in groups of a fixed number of bits, usually 1 byte (8 bits). Hence, "binary data" in computers are actually sequences of bytes. On a higher level, data is accessed in groups of 1 word (4 bytes) for 32-bit systems and 2 words for 64-bit systems.

In applied computer science and in the information technology field, the term binary data is often specifically opposed to text-based data, referring to any sort of data that cannot be interpreted as text. The "text" vs. "binary" distinction can sometimes refer to the semantic content of a file (e.g. a written document vs. a digital image). However, it often refers specifically to whether the individual bytes of a file are interpretable as text (see character encoding) or cannot so be interpreted. When this last meaning is intended, the more specific terms binary format and text(ual) format are sometimes used. Semantically textual data can be represented in binary format (e.g. when compressed or in certain formats that intermix various sorts of formatting codes, as in the DOC format used by Microsoft Word); contrarily, image data is sometimes represented in textual format (e.g. the X PixMap image format used in the X Window System).

Another Explanation: A computer processor can handle only binary data in the form of bits. Each bit can be on or off or mathematically, zero or one. Processors operate on groups of bits at a time. The smallest group of 8 bits is called a byte. The industry often refers to the maximum number of bits that a processor can handle in one step. Common machines use 32-bit processors, but the industry is shifting to 64-bit processors. A 64-bit processor can process 8 bytes of data in one operation. Even tablets and some cell phones are shifting to 64-bit processors.

The number of bits (or bytes) determines the size of individual data that can be handled or addressed. In particular, note that a 32-bit system has a limitation of about 4 gigabytes (GB). Consequently, a 32-bit Windows operating system can only address 3 gigabytes of RAM. If a systems needs more memory or has huge datasets, a 64-bit versions of the operating system and other software will be needed.