Becoming Innomakers for Others

The Innomakers Programme in St Joseph's Institution is an innovative, student-centred approach that promotes experiential learning ad cultivates curiosity and creativity. The programme encourages students to use Design Thinking to empathise, design prototype, and create real-world solutions, strengthening 21st century competencies like Adaptive Thinking, Inventive Thinking and Communication.    

The Maker Education encompasses both analogue and digital making activities in the Makerspaces, offering diverse learning opportunities: 

The IMP supports highly differentiated learning through the provision of learning menus and multiple achievement levels. Students select their skill strands and achievement levels from the learning menus based on their learning interests and talents. 

Attainment badges are also awarded to the students to recognise their competencies in various skill strands and an E Certificate will be given at the end of year 2. The students learn through multi-disciplinary platforms through Play, Create and perhaps Innovate

Students learn to be the Agents of Change by innovating in service to the larger community in the Year 2 curriculum. The learning experiences allow the students to communicate, collaborate, self-manage, research, and think creatively as well as critically.

All Year 1 and 2 students in both OP and IP will be in this programme. It is conducted during curriculum time and it is not a CCA. Upon completion of the Innomakers Programme, students will be awarded an E certificate. 

Makeathon 2020

Design Challenge 2023