Come and visit our Makerspace virtually!

Discussing the project ideas

Let's build a low fidelity prototype first to test our ideas

Drawing inference from the low fidelity prototype, the team now builds the high fidelity prototype

Learn AI Assembly Workshop by an AI scientist 

Understanding machine learning

SAMs Lab workshop -Post exam activities

Values in Action by Design & Innovation Club 

NTU Ed Programme 2018

NTU Ed Programme 2018

Ideating solutions with the criteria set up by the team mates

Arduino Workshop - Post exam activities

Collaboration - Chips@Infineon competition

Using SCAMPER as an ideation process for creative problem solving

Young Maker's Fiesta @ Lifelong Learning Institute

Learning about team work in The Marshmallow Challenge

Team work is the key to success!

App Development Sharing Session for the Design & Innovation members by James Chen

Shooting a video using the Green Screen

Producing a video on workers' appreciation (collaboration with NEBO)

Makeathon - Presenting their idea to the guest judge

Makeathon - Design a device to help children with physical disabilities to gain independence at home and in school. 

Interested Innomakers signed up for a 3 day virtual camp - Today I Learnt AI Camp 2021 conducted by Defence Science & Technology Agency

DJI Robotic Simulator 2021-11-11 12-39-46.mp4

Coding done by Jack Wigmore, Year 2

Design & Innovation Club, Vice Chairman