Written, Oral, & Visual Communication

Spring Semester 2022: Reflections on All College Learning Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Written, Oral, Visual Communication : Fisher students will be able to communicate effectively and persuasively with and to diverse audiences. Organization & Context, Audience and Purpose

Students in this course looked at a variety of datasets and how to work with them. Throughout the semester, they had to communicate about these dataset mostly through written assignments and classroom discussion. However, the semester culminated in a final presentation in which students must not only present about a dataset they specially worked with, but explain the hypothesis and analysis that drove them to learn something about the natural world around them.

Spring Semester 2024: Reflections on Fisher Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Written, Oral, Visual Communication : Fisher students will be able to communicate effectively and persuasively with and to diverse audiences. Organization & Context, Audience and Purpose

Students in this course looked at a variety of datasets and how to work with them. Throughout the semester, they had to communicate about these dataset mostly through written assignments and classroom discussion. However, the semester culminated in a final presentation that instead focused on a fielf of their choosing. Instead of working on how to analyze data, students focused on the project creation and communication.

This new approach to the final project was a major success as students were able to expand on the skills developed and demonstrated in the Christmas Bird Count project. Further, students created proposals that could potentially be part of future classes and/or research.


Written, Oral, Visual Communication : Fisher students will be able to communicate effectively and persuasively with and to diverse audiences. Organization & Context, Audience and Purpose

Listed here are a selection of published works on which I contributed.

1. Z.C. Murphy, Murphy, K., Myers, J., Getman, M., Couch, T., Schulz, V. P., ... & Steiner, L. A. (2021). Regulation of RNA polymerase II activity is essential for terminal erythroid maturation. Blood. 2021 Nov 4;138(18):1740-1756. doi: 10.1182/blood.2020009903. PMID: 34075391; PMCID: PMC8569412.

2.  Z.C. Murphy, K.E. McGrath, and J. Palis. Cytokine-dependent and independent STAT3 regulation of embryonic erythropoiesis. In Submission. Nature Communications

3.  Z. C. Murphy, Getman MR, Myers JA, Burgos Villar KN, Leshen E, Kurita R, Nakamura Y, Steiner LA. Codanin-1 mutations engineered in human erythroid cells demonstrate role of CDAN1 in terminal erythroid maturation. Exp Hematol. 2020 Nov;91:32-38.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.exphem.2020.09.201. Epub 2020 Oct 16. PMID: 33075436; PMCID: PMC7741183.

4.  Myers, J. A., T. Couch, Z.C. Murphy, J. Malik, M. Getman, and L. A. Steiner. 2020. 'The histone methyltransferase Setd8 alters the chromatin landscape and regulates the expression of key transcription factors during erythroid differentiation', Epigenetics Chromatin, 13: 16.

5.  Couch, T., Z.C. Murphy, M. Getman, R. Kurita, Y. Nakamura, and L. A. Steiner. 2019. 'Human erythroblasts with c-Kit activating mutations have reduced cell culture costs and remain capable of terminal maturation', Exp Hematol, 74: 19-24.e4.

6. A. Mereness, Z.C. Murphy, A.C. Forrestal, C Ko, J.S. Richards and M.T. Sellix . Normal ovulation depends on a functional circadian clock in ovarian theca cells. Endocrinology. 2015 Dec 15.

7. A. Mereness, Z.C. Murphy and M.T. Sellix. Developmental Programming by Excess Androgen Disrupts the Circadian Timing System in Mice. Biology of Reproduction. 2015 Apr;92(4):88

8. Z.C. Murphy, P. Pezuk, M. Menaker and M.T. Sellix. Effects of Ovarian Hormones on Internal Circadian Organization. Biology of Reproduction. 2013 Aug 15;89(2):35

9. M.T. Sellix, Z.C. Murphy and M. Menaker. Excess Androgen During Puberty Disrupts Circadian Organization in Female Rats. Endocrinology. 2013 Apr;154(4):1636-47

10. M. Menaker, Z.C. Murphy and M.T. Sellix. Central Pathways for Peripheral Entrainment. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 2013 Mar 25. Invited Review

Oral Presentations

Written, Oral, Visual Communication : Fisher students will be able to communicate effectively and persuasively with and to diverse audiences. Organization & Context, Audience and Purpose

Listed here are a selection of oral presentations.

1.    American Society of Hematology 63rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, 2021. HEXIM1 Is Essential for the Establishment of Appropriate Patterns of Gene Expression and Chromatin Architecture during Terminal Erythroid Maturation. Zachary C Murphy, Kristin Murphy, Michael Getman, Maeve Wells, and Laurie Steiner.

2.    American Society of Hematology 63rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, 2021. The Condensin II Complex Subunit NCAPH2 Is Essential for Erythropoiesis and Regulates Erythroid Gene Expression. Zachary C Murphy, Kristin Murphy, Michael Getman, Maeve Wells, and Laurie Steiner.

3.    Red Cell Meeting 2021. Transcriptomic control of terminal erythroid maturation. Zachary C Murphy, K Murphy, MR Getman, V Schulz, M Narla, PG Gallagher, and LA Steiner

4.    Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2021 Virtual Meeting: Developmental origins of TAM in Down Syndrome

5.    Red Cell Meeting 2020. Regulation of RNA Polymerase II Activity is Essential for Terminal Erythroid Maturation. Zachary C Murphy, K Murphy, JA Myers, MR Getman, TA Couch, V Schulz, H Yan, M Narla, PG Gallagher, and LA Steiner

6.    Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting. 2020. Genome editing of Codanin1 in erythroid cells provides mechanistic insights into Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia (CDA-1). Zachary C Murphy, Laurie Steiner, Michael Getman

7.    American Society of Hematology 61th Annual Meeting and Exposition, 2019. Zachary C Murphy, Michael Getman, Laurie Steiner. The Condensin II Subunit, NcapH2, Is Required for Proper Embryonic Erythroid Terminal Maturation and Embryonic Viability in a Primary Mouse Model

8.    American Society of Hematology 61th Annual Meeting and Exposition, 2019. Zachary C Murphy, Tyler Couch, Michael Getman, Laurie Steiner. Terminal Erythroid Maturation Is Associated with Dynamic Changes in the Abundance of Histone Marks Associated with Active Transcription Elongation and RNA Polymerase II Pausing

9.    Cold Springs Harbor. JAK/STAT Signaling in Basic Science and Cancer, 2017. Z.C. Murphy, KH Fegan, A Koniski, KE McGrath, J Palis. STAT3 regulates primary embryonic erythropoiesis and is activated independently of erythropoietin signaling.

10.  Keystone Symposia: Cytokine JAK-STAT Signaling in Immunity and Disease, 2016. Z.C. Murphy, P.D. Kingsley, K.E. McGrath, L. Vit, J. Palis. JAK-STAT signaling regulates the survival and terminal maturation of Embryonic Erythroid Cells Downstream of the EpoR.