Inquiry & Analysis

Spring Semester 2022: Reflections on All College Learning Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Inquiry & Analysis: Fisher students will demonstrate the ability to analyze issues, concepts, and artifacts in determining valid evidence, developing sound arguments, and making informed decisions. 

Students in this course went beyond just seeing data to seeing through data. Understanding of the complexities of data, the many ways to represent it, and the appreciation of how it is collected all informed students perspectives on how data needs to drive logical decision making.

Spring Semester 2024: Reflections on Fisher Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Inquiry & Analysis: Fisher students will demonstrate the ability to analyze issues, concepts, and artifacts in determining valid evidence, developing sound arguments, and making informed decisions. 

Students in this course went beyond just seeing data to seeing through data. Understanding of the complexities of data, the many ways to represent it, and the appreciation of how it is collected all informed students perspectives on how data needs to drive logical decision making.

This semester we expanded the structure for the Christmas Bird Count project to help guide students through new skills. Further, students asked and answered a biological question to help set up for independent project creation in the final project.

Check out the research page for information on ongoing research projects!