Ethical Reasoning

Spring Semester 2022: Reflections on All College Learning Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Ethical Reasoning: Fisher students will learn how to discern the moral aspect of a situation in order to produce ethically justifiable results. Ethical awareness & Knowledge of ethical practices and related concepts


In this course we discussed the phenomenon of "bullshit" in which there can be a complete lack of caring about truth in the presentation of data. Therefore, students explored ethical constructs and then extended them to questions regarding their individual data driven projects.

Spring Semester 2022: Reflections on Fisher Outcomes

BIOL1110 - Studying Nature

Ethical Reasoning: Fisher students will learn how to discern the moral aspect of a situation in order to produce ethically justifiable results. Ethical awareness & Knowledge of ethical practices and related concepts


Students explored different ethical frameworks and then extended them into application using data. Specifically, students use data collected and used unethically during the eugenics movement in America in the 20th century. Students then further expanded their ethical frameworks in the final project when they considered collection and dissemination of their data.