Inquiry Term 1

In Inquiry in term 1 we are investigating the big question "Who am I? How do I belong, connect and grow?"

Be You Book

In Inquiry we are using the book "Be You" by Peter H. Reynolds to help us unpack our big question "How am I? How do I belong, connect and grow?" At home you could read the book "Be You" and complete one of the fun activities below.

Be Curious

Feed your curiosities by exploring Wonderopolis and see what wonderful new things you can discover!

Be Kind

Read the book "Kindness Snippet Jar" and create your own kindness jar at home.


Be Brave

Draw yourself as a superhero! What would be your super powers that would help you to be brave?


Be Different

Read the book "We Are All Different", have a chat or draw a picture with your child about how you both are smiliar and different.

Religion Term 1

In Religion this term we will be unpacking our school's Know Do Be and how we all belong to our school community.

The Do's Rap

Our School's Know Do Be

In the first weeks of school we are unpacking our school's know do be framework in student friendly language. We are learning this through some fun activities at school and through a song. 

Connections to home:

Have a chat with your child about what they are respobisble for at home and how you work together as a family to help everyone feel safe and happy.

SEL Term 1

In SEL this term we will be unpacking the schools tool kit and how we can use this to be safe and happy at school.

Site Toolkit

Our Tool Kit

At school we have been starting to unpack our schools emotional tool kit. Each character on the tool kit represents a strategy students can use to help regulate themselves and solve problems. 

Mind Master & Head Hassler

Mind Master & Head Hassler

Mind Master thinking helps us to recognise rational and irrational thoughts.  Mind Master thinking are rational thoughts that are logical, fact-based and supportive. 

Head Hassler thinking are irrational thoughts for example, "mistakes are not ok, I can’t do this, spelling is too hard!" 

Connections to home:

We encourage you to use the language or Mind Master and Head Hassler to name helpful and unhelpful thinking patterns. Highlight when your child or yourself are using Mind Master thinking, or asking "How would a Mind Master solve this problem?"

Emotional Thermometer

Emotional Thermometer

Our school emotional thermometer teaches us how to notice and talk about our emotions and to realise these can vary in intensity. We learn that we control our emotions and can build our emotional vocabulary.

Connections to home:

At home you can check in with your child using the emotional thermometer asking, what were you thinking? How are you feeling? Where are you on the emotional thermometer? Can you tell me why?

Learning Links

Click on the tiles below to find some home learning activities.