Speech & Language

Let's Get Moving

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"Let's Get Moving" Extension Activities

Dear Parents,

This week we are working on the core words “stop” and “go” and pairing it with movement. You can model these words as well as encourage your students to use them in a variety of activities. This may include, but not limited to a dance party using “stop” as you pause the music and “go” to continue dancing, taking a walk and pointing out vehicles that are going and say “go” and if the vehicle has stopped you can say “stop”, or when you use a microwave you can point out “go” when it’s going and “stop” when it has stopped.

Below are books, videos, and additional ideas to incorporate and model “stop” and “go”. Encourage your student to participate by saying or imitating “stop” and “go” but do not expect them to say it initially. Modeling it for them will be just fine. You are providing a model for them to do this as they develop literacy and language skills!

Please look at the resources below as well as this document for more resources.

Stop!, Said the Cop-PRINTABLE.pdf
Go! Go! Go!-Printable.pdf
Go Fish!-Printable.pdf
Dont Stop-PRINTABLE.pdf