The SALT treaty WAR with Salt Lake City …..

Post date: Jul 20, 2020 4:35:55 AM

RD-blog-number-4553 by Herb Zinser

The SALT treaty WAR

with Salt Lake City …..

Logan Utah deserts

and water Professor G.V.Loganathan

This blog post looks at the CONTRAST RATIO message for CALTECH university.

We have Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language clues with pictures and maps .... the LOGAN communications project of Nature's expression systems..

Thus we have the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) and the sodium chloride SALT molecule treaty with SALT LAKE CITY and Logan, Utah.

Thus we see Nature's SALT molecule code --> Na Cl --> message for Virginia TECH university regarding the GREAT SALT LAKE salt water treaty ......... advanced hydrology message for humans, students, and professors ..message FROM water molecules and sodium Chloride SALT molecules.

Virginia Tech shooting

..the salt water battle

- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Virginia _ Tech _ shooting


The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre ) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007 , on the campus of Virginia ...

‎ Seung-Hui Cho - ‎ Liviu Librescu - ‎ Kevin Granata - ‎ Jamie Bishop

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Virginia _ Tech _ shooting


Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech , shot and killed 32 people and .... :90

Cho's first attack after entering Norris

occurred in an advanced hydrology ...

G. V. Loganathan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


His work focused on the areas of hydrology and hydraulic networks (pipelines). ... He received several Virginia Tech honors, including the Outstanding Faculty Award, ... killed by Seung-Hui Cho in the Virginia Tech shootings on April 16, 2007.

… water THOUGHT molecules and their data carrier pipelines

What is hydrology and what do hydrologists do? - Water ...

water hydrology .html

United States

Geological Survey

Geological Survey

……..logic Survey of

Geological Sur → surrealism

May 30, 2014 - Hydrology has evolved as a science in response to the need to understand the complex water system of the earth and help solvewater

Hydrology has evolved

Hydrology has evolved .. language

Hy dro log y has evolved …..


Highway 18 and highway 16

at city of Watertown Wisconsin and the

farm Township of Watertown …

Hy dro →

John Drought (JD) year 1953 ….

Contrast ratio of words ….

Drought / Water molecule continuum

of Watertown

Code name JD …..

LINK to the JD Rockerfeller project


the ROCK River (Watertown)

And the

William feller probability bet at

Bethesda Lutheran Home and its

TETZ dairy and hog farm for

feeble minded farm workers to express

their molecular THOUGHT ability level of accomplishments

Surface-water hydrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia water _ hydrology


Surface- water hydrology is a field that encompasses all surface waters of the globe (overland flows, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, oceans, etc.).

Nature's molecule message delivery system ---- > GREAT SALT LAKE astrophysics routing parameters to EARTH geography region representative of the Constitution of the United States of North America, State of Virginia , and President George Washington washing with water molecules ........... ......

Routing parameters............................

water molecule --> route to water classroom --> advanced hydrology AND the

evolution of hydrology and water hydraulic networks (pipelines) --> to the water molecule continuum and their information networks and molecular data pipelines.

Salt molecule Na cl --> route to --> Nathan classroom --> Logan + nathan --> professor Loganathan class

Thus --> Loganathan classroom --> subset symbols ..... Na Cl --> implies SALT molecule ..... mixed with hydrology water studies GIVES salt water.

Thus a sense we have an Isaac Asimov math equation of psychohistory.

Psychohistory (theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Psychohistory _(fictional)


Psychohistory is a theory and applied science in Isaac Asimov 's Foundation universe which ... sociology, and mathematical statistics to make general predictions about the ...

Hari Seldon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hari Seldon is a character in Isaac Asimov 's Foundation series. ...mathematics professor at Streeling University on Trantor, Seldon developspsychohistory , ... He shows incredible mathematical abilities at a very early age. ... right time and place to set up a new society , one that would replace the collapsing Galactic .

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I) | Treaties ... › Treaties & Regimes

Nuclear Threat Initiative

an Interim Agreement on certain measures limiting strategic offensive arms; and; the ABM Treaty on the limitation of strategic defensive systems. .... SALT refers to two rounds of talks between the US and the USSR onnuclear arms control .

Strategic Arms Limitations Talks/Treaty (SALT) I and II ... salt

Office of the Historian

Oct 31, 2013 - Johnson said they must gain “ control of the ABM race,” and Secretary of ... While abolition of nuclear weapons would be impossible, limiting the ...

SALT Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I and II SALT %20I%20and%20II-final.doc

The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty ( SALT ) refers to two arms control treaties SALT I ... Both sides recognized that without agreed limits, thenuclear arms race ...


We are reminded by the Logan Utah agent and author ......... of modern EARTH realities and the SYMBOL MACHINE language/word expression system

Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy ... › ... › Science › Physics › Relativity, Inc.

Start reading Black Holes & Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous Legacy on the ... tapestry of interlocking themes , coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to ...

tapestry of interlocking themes , coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to ...

tapestry of interlocking themes , coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to ...

tapestry of interlocking themes , coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to ...

Wilber and Korzybski › Wilber, AQAL, and Beyond

Ken Wilber's AQAL Map and Alfred Korzybski's General Semantics ...

“what we also called a nested hierarchy or

actualization hierarchy,

Black Holes & Time Warps

Black Holes & Time War

Black Holes & Time War

Black --> route to Blacksburg , Virginia for realization and actualization

Holes --> create bullet holes and grave holes in the BLACK soil of EARTH ground / land.

Time --> create a message about TIME bring attention to the astrophysics TIME WAR on EARTH with human bio-computers.

Cho , a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others .....

in two separate attacks, approximately two hours apart,



Cho --> C + ho --> Clock Hour agent for the LIVING English Language

Thus, in year 2015. you have some pieces to the puzzle about Virginia TECH ...and CALTECH ..... 2 TECH schools and their incomplete explanations about social science signaling EVENTS.