Michael Brown helps explain the LIVER prison system at Livermore Labs and FermILAB

Post date: Jul 19, 2020 9:59:53 PM

Rd-blog-number-4136 by Herb Zinser

By: herbzinser | November 22, 2014

This blog post reviews the information database of the Michael Brown signaling EVENT from Ferguson Missouri (the St.Louis region).

The research of the year 2014 EVENT ..... provided a feedback signal to the University of Chicago hepatology LIVER anger expression in year 1924 that resulted in the murder of Robert Franks ...and involved the liver / blood IRON isotope-56 at 56th Street at the Windmere Hotel.

Iron-56 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Iron - 56


Iron - 56 ( 56 Fe) is the most common isotope of iron . About 91.754% of all iron is iron - 56 . Of all nuclides, iron - 56 has the lowest mass per nucleon.

Above atomic mass 55.85 is the weighted average of several IRON isotopes ..... the one we are interested in is IRON-56 and its social science OUTPUT expression system using human display devices and their activities and their decisions ..... like the choice to live at such and such an address (Windermere Hotel on 56th Street) ...may have a deeper level of significance.


The Leopold-Loeb Case | Chronology

www. crime archives.net/1924_ leopold _ loeb /html/chronology.html

Leopold and Loeb prepare for the kidnapping and murder . ...

the Windermere Hotel on 56th

and Hyde Park Blvd.,

Leopold and Loeb lead detectives around the ..

In year 2014 we have the SYMBOL MACHINE code evolution to include .....

Windermere Hotel on 56th (year 1924)

Wi ...................H on 56th

Wilson Hall on Illinois Route 56 by Batavia, Illinois (year 2014)

Obviously, sections of the adult educated human brain are listening to music, watching television, and not paying attention to the Alan Sokal SCIENCE WARS

SCIENCE WARS: NYU physicist Alan Sokal's clever

hps.elte.hu/~gk/ Sokal / Sokal /nyt.html

Eötvös Loránd University

_1_) SCIENCE WARS : NYU physicist Alan Sokal's clever article--"Transgressing the Boundaries: toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum ...

Now, in year 2014 we are concerned with the LIVER prison system approved by the George Orwell citizen /federal government. The book 1984 OCEANIA battle took place at Cole Hall ocean classroom in Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois.

NIU 5 years later: Former student journalists reflect on ...

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on Fe atomic calendar Fe = February 14, 2008 -->. Ferrous oxide generated signal for Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family information convergence site ...nearby Fe --> FermiLAB.


Rockford Register Star

Feb 14, 2013 - ... ..a Cole Hall auditorium and opened fire on 120 students in an ocean science class ... was the Northern Star adviser during the mass shooting at Cole Hall .

ocean science class .

ocean science class .

ocean science class .

Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



George Orwell "encapsulate[d] the thesis at the heart of his unforgiving novel" ..... bypropaganda and lack of communication between various parts of Oceania ).

‎ 2 + 2 = 5 - ‎ Nineteen Eighty-Four (film) - ‎ Big Brother - ‎ Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four

The silence of FermiLAB physics regarding the oceania problem that affects WAVE MECHANICS ..implies that Fer --> FermiLAB LIVER structures and their brain cells are in a FER --> Ferrous oxide IRON atom ..... iron HEME group Fe(ii) prison ...that is a molecular cell biology --> molecular CELL biology THOUGHT application ....JAIL CELL.

The Michael Brown and Darren Wilson (Wilson Hall physics message) confirm this .... as FermiLAB denies the existence of proper noun Wilson Hall and the possibility of a connection to Darren Wilson.

The super-symmetry physics / bio-physics WILSON Fe mirror ...with atomic symbol fe and its double application --> FermiLab and Ferguson site. Hence, an example of the duality principle as outlined by Debroglie.

Wave-Particle Duality - Chemwiki

chemwiki.ucdavis.edu/.../Wave-Particle_ D ...

University of California, Davis

Jul 11, 2014 - In 1923, Louis de Broglie , a French physicist, proposed a hypothesis ... as the Wave-Particle Duality : The property of particles behaving as waves and .... Principles and Modern Applications Ninth Edition, Upper Saddle River, ...

wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle


University of Oregon

The response to this question arrived from the Ph.D. thesis of Louis de Broglie in 1923. de Broglie argued that since light can display wave and particle ...

de Broglie and the Wave Nature of Matter at Cole Hall OCEAN CLASS near Batavia, Illinois(e) The concept of

www.boundless.com › ... › History and Quantum Mechanical Quantities

In quantum mechanics, the concept of matter waves (or de Broglie waves) reflects the wave-particle duality of matter. The theory was proposed by Louis de ...

Thus the lack of response by FermIlab and universities to acknowledge the existence of the Cole Hall signal

and the lack of acknowledgement of the existence of Ferguson Missouri .... Darren Wilson signal .. suggests review of the 1924 IRON isotope-56 signal from Leopold and Loeb ...and the concept of an INTERNAL molecular cell biology .. JAIL cell. and its EXTERNAL display format.

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Leopold_Bloom

Leopold Bloom is the fictional protagonist and hero of James Joyce's 1922 novel Ulysses. His peregrinations and encounters in Dublin on 16 June 1904 mirror, …

Leopold Bloom is the fictional protagonist and hero of James Joyce's 1922 novel Ulysses PARALLEL

Leopold JR ……. actual Protagonist …...

Botany flowers BLOOM in Chicago in the month of May

in year 1924

Religion‎: ‎Catholicism

Children‎: ‎Millicent (Milly) Bloom (b. 1889); Rud...

Occupation‎: ‎Advertising agent

Nickname‎: ‎Poldy

Factual antecedents · ‎Fictional biography · ‎Elsewhere in popular ...

Thus we have some of the CLUES about the FermiLAB and university INTELLECTUAL silence over Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social science expressions.

Now, let's look at another blog post ..repeated here ..that provides many clues about the LIVER PRISON system.

Then ..after that outline ..we will discuss Law of Liver Labs in Livermore, California ...... and their

failure to deliver the Sartre existential acknowledgement goods.

String theory helps explain modern societal happenings and events

RD-blog-number by Herb Zinser reviews the recent, year 2014 data provided by Michael Brown and Darren Wilson of Ferguson, Missouri.

The signaling EVENT .....

  • What happened when Michael Brown met

  • Officer Darren

  • --> Da + arr + en --> Data array energy

  • of the Margaret Mead periodic atomic table ...

  • www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/08/us/ferguson- brown -timeline/

  • CNN

  • Nov 11, 2014 - Michael Brown , an unarmed black teenager, was shot dead on August 9 by Darren Wilson , a white police officer. Some witnesses say the ...

  • Michael Brown's father calls for calm - CNN.com

  • www.cnn.com/2014/11/20/justice/ferguson-grand-jury-ruling/

  • CNN

  • 1 day ago - Ferguson, Missouri: The grand jury in the Michael Brown shooting is ... The GRAND UNIFIED THEORY judgement by the grand jury is weighing whether to indictDarren Wilson , a white policeman acting on behalf of Wilson HALL, FermiLAB physics in Batavia, Illinois. ... ..who are taking orders from the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness of the GROUP MIND of the citizen/ Federal government .....

  • The year 2014 EVENT is tied into the year 1924 EVENT of Robert Franks at the U niver sity of Chicago ....

  • and the Niver Liver hepatology bio-computer code NL

  • --> New Line command used by copper-wire printers and human computers such as editors and reporters.

  • ] Loeb-L

  • String Theory and The Hierarchy Problem in Physics - For ...

  • www.dummies.com/.../string-theory-and-the- hierarchy - problem -in-physi...

  • Many physicists feel that string theory will ultimately be successful at resolving thehierarchy problem

  • eopold Murder of Franks in Chicago May 21 1924

  • scholarlycommons.law.northwest...

  • Northwestern University School of Law

  • by R Loeb - ‎1925

  • [The kidnapping and murder of Robert Franks by Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr., in Chicago, Illinois, on May 21, 1924 , aroused world-wide interest-at ...

  • In year 2014, the vast Knowledge database allows us to review some past signals ... and update their interpretation using modern concepts and knowledge.

  • Robert Franks --> keyword --> Franks is a human bio-computer identifier code.

  • Franks --> F + rank system (of society) --> Hex'F' = 15 rank and file system of oxygen atom 16 ...the rank/ hierarchy of oxygen life forms and their present /or future administration of society , economics, thought and philosophy, etc..

  • The RANK of symbol Hex'F' --> gives keyword --> Frank ...as in Robert Franks .. therefore the year 1924 signal for human life forms that are aware of the existence of the 24 hour clock and the human biological clock ....... hence, the additional signal provided to the University of Chicago about the bio-TIME WARs .......

  • Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_Loeb

  • Wikipedia

  • " Bobby " Franks with his father sometime after 1920. ... they decided upon Robert " Bobby" Franks , the 14-year-old son of

  • wealthy Chicago watch man ufacturer ...

  • For this blog post ...Frank --> Base 16 Hex"F' rank and file .... that is human rank and human data files in the context of EARTH LAB and Margaret atomic social sciences ... societal management structure (the Hierarchy Problem in physics awareness ..such as the C.P.Snow " Two Cultures" conflict and the lies/coverup of Washington, DC INTELLECTUAL nonsense by the Department of Energy regarding the C.P.SNOW messenger --> Edward Snowden)

  • Hence, Base 16 hexadecimal signal from year 1924 ..... and the year 2014 signal of Michael Brown/Darren Wilson to Wilson Hall about Nature's perception of the current Hierarchy of human LIVER life forms / spokesperson VERSUS the Washington,DC biased/ error problem in perception and failure to communicate

  • .... consequently Nature and its Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family Hierarchy Problem announced by physics .....

  • the problem is ---> Nature's authorized atomic English language and its EARTH LAB human LIVER specimen/ researcher /spokesperson for C.P>SNOW and the "Two Culture's is not recognized.

  • Thus we view Nature's message processing systems ..from 1924 to year 2014 ... in the context of a system .... with the Michael Brown data/disturbance providing some feedback data to the year 1924 EVENT . .helping solve that LIVER social engineering ... LIVER anger OUTPUT expression ,,,, ... the hepatology crime of forensic science.

  • What Everybody Gets Wrong About Jekyll and Hyde | Tor.com

  • www.tor.com/…/what-everybody-gets-wrong-about- jekyll-an

  • Tor Books

  • Jun 22, 2012 – It’s important that it’s Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde . Jekyll is a respected professor. Hyde is a lower class schlub. Hyde is also much younger ..

  • .

  • General Semantics – Abstraction Ladder – Rijnlandmodel

  • www.rijnlandmodel.nl/english/general_semantics/ abstraction _ ladder .htm

  • The ladder of abstractions … in Thought and Action, and specifically the way Hayakawa describes the relations between abstractions: the ladder of abstractions.

  • [PDF] Korzybski’s Structural Differential and Hayakawa’s …

  • www.generalsemantics.org/…/korzybskis-structural-differential-and- haya …

  • by S Stockdale – ‎ Cited by 6 – ‎ Related articles

  • Some of you talked about abstracting in the context of Korzybski’s Structural Differential model, while some of you used Hayakawa’s Abstraction Ladder diagram.

  • Thus President Johnson had unresolved Korzybski and Hayakawa SYMBOL MACHINE language problems that manifested itself in the physical biology problem.

  • Let’s focus on Micheal Brown message.

  • We repeat another blog post that explains some things .. then we shall focus on the hepatology LIVER communications ..that resulted in the created death of Michael Brown …. a LIVER created death EVENT to generate attention getting LIVER messages in newspapers and television.

  • .

  • Michael Brown’s LIVER message helps explain biochemistry communications problems.

  • RD-blog-number-4012 by Herb Zinser reviews the LIVER message that was delivered by Michael Brown’s death SIGNAL that was printed in newspapers and announced on television.

  • The LIVER tragic signaling EVENT used an equivalence relationship between the SYMBOL WORLD and its symbol life formats …AND …. ..the physical biology world of people existing at 37.0 degrees Celsius human body temperature.

  • Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.

  • Let’s look at another blog post that outlines the concepts we are looking at.

  • The Gulliver’s Travels war casualty of the English literature WAR –> Michael Brown

  • Rd-blog-number-4134 by Herb Zinser reviews the English language war casualty Michael Brown of the St..Louis area …the community of Ferguson, Missouri.

  • The periodic atomic table Margaret Mead atomic social science expression …. ….. information signaling EVENT ………..

  • Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Michael_BrownWikipedia

  • The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by …

  • The SYMBOL MACHINE keyword of the event is –> Ferguson –> implies subset atomic message code Fe.

  • The Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom with atomic number 26 has an atomic English language of 26 alphabet letters.

  • Hence, the Darwinian SYMBOL MACHINE selection of a geography location with an atomic identifier label Fe –> such as Ferguson in the St.Louis, Missouri message processing region.

  • The 2nd Darwinian decision was the selection of a word description and then the Darwinian selection of the associated physical biology entity.

  • The important word description –>

  • Ferguson’s Michael Brown:

  • The Tall Tale of the “Gentle Giant”

  • Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Michael_BrownWikipedia

  • The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, …. who loomed large and didn’t cause trouble”, referring to him as a “gentle giant”. At the time of his death, he was 6′ 4″ (1.93 m) tall and weighed 292 lb (132 kg).

  • Thus the EVENT and its information data components are –.

  • Ferguson –> implies –> Ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26

  • Tall gentle Giant –> a reference to Gulliver of Gulliver’s LIVER travels.

  • referring to him as a “gentle giant”

  • referring to him as a “gentle giant”

  • refer-back to Gulliver Swift with atomic number 26 –> year 1726 with Jonathan Swift..

  • Thus we see the CAUSE and EFFECT …… the unsolved English language wars at other locations …… resulted in another language war message EVENT.

  • Some of the other ENGLISH language war events ……. ignored by newspaper reporters and news editors ………….

  • The LANGUAGE wars with brain-dead student experiments with a common theme:

  • English - Virginia Tech shooting their BIG MOUTH off with

  • ……….verbal explanations in ERROR of the “WORD of Honor”

  • ……….thus the verbal CAUSE and shooting tragic EFFECT.

  • Library - Columbine High School library and color in textbooks…

  • ……….violations of the eye/optical nerve ..laws of

  • ………. STATE of the optical symbol MIND: COLORado

  • Read …get an ink PEN from the Pentagon,get a book and go to

  • ……..TEXAS to Fort Hood symbolic military–>

  • ……..Soldier READ Center…with the Central Nervous System

  • ……..370 abstract brain symbolic computer.

  • …….The molecular cell biology CENTRAL COMMAND is with the

  • ……..optical nerve and the symbolic CITY of brain photon life

  • ……..of nouns, verbs, English language proper nouns

  • ……..and literature. These literary characters influence

  • ……..decisions about daily life and provide civilization with

  • …….. social navigation and direction.

  • Do the words: English, Library, Read have any personal significance?

  • Do you understand the SIGNAL of the above 3 tragic events?

  • Returning to Michael Brown and his LIVER ….. we see the Darwinian selection process of his LIVER …the LIVER belonging to a “Tall Gentle Giant” made him conceptually equivalent to GIANT in the biochemistry LIVER textbook of year 1726 known as GULL + LIVER Travels”s –> and the publisher condensed the name to GulLIVER ‘s Travels.

  • Thus ..how did the the liver information database from year 1726 travel to year 2014 and Ferguson, Missouri. One method is Nature’s automatic communications systems …. using human signals …that transfer data from one sender to the eyes of a signal receiver.

  • Other well-known methods …. are music languages ….textile clothing pattern languages ….infra-red skin emission languages at 37.0 degrees Celsius body temperature. etc

  • Regardless of the methods that Nature used ..the important thing is that the LIVER hepatology / biochemistry information database was able to travel from one generation of molecular humans to another generation …traveling forward in time and gathering more data in the cumulative process over the years …… finally ..around year 1960 ..1970 the LIVER carrier and its Carl Jung molecular collective unconsciousness and its hepatology database was able to rise up to a level of conscious expression in some professorial LIVERs ….. resulting in deLIVERED college biochemistry and hepatology textbooks.

  • Thus we see Nature’s English language used in hepatology textbooks ..have origins in the LIVER ..that is a convergence site in the human body for b100d that carries the iron atomic ENGLISH language in Hemoglobin proteins..

  • Thus the LIVER”S hepatology / biochemistry database from 1726 and the subsequent emergence of college textbooks in 1960/ 1970 …… and the LIVER started to send additional signals …such as the Beattles music from the EARTH LAB geography test city of LIVERS and GLANDS ..known as Liverpool, enGLAND.

  • A specific LIVER output signal from the 1940′s and 1950′s was ….. the slang phrase …..

  • Urban Dictionary: hep

  • www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hep

  • Urban Dictionary

  • old timey black-american slang meaning hip, cool. used alot by cab calloway as in “are you hep to the jive?”. i have that CD, by the way. by dagger_grrl …

  • Are You Hep to the Jive?

  • The Cab Calloway Hepster …

  • www.artofmanliness.com/…/ are-you-hep -to-the-jive-the-cab-calloway-he…

  • Sep 25, 2008 – Each generation has their own slang and lingo, a language that defines them. Each generation also has a purveyor of cool who creates a …

  • Calloway was an energetic singer and bandleader during the 1930’s and 1940’s. His big band gained fame at Harlem’s premier night club, The Cotton Club. Cab Calloway and His Orchestra became a nationwide sensation with their weekly radio broadcast on NBC and their nationwide tours.

  • Hence the LIVER of Cab Calloway sends an OUTPUT message to —>

  • American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases …

  • www.aasld.org/

  • AASLD: American Association for the Study of Live r Diseases …. Read the November 2014 issue of the journal HEPATOLOGY.

  • Practice Guidelines - ‎ The Liver Meeting - ‎ Abstracts - ‎ AASLD/EASL HCV Special …

  • Thus in year 2014 .. the question for the Association of Liver Researchers .. the question becomes,,,, “Are you hep and are you a hep hepatologist?”..

  • Jive Talk Dictionary 1945 – Hepcat Jive Lingo

  • www.letsmoovengroove.com.au › Extras Blog Other

  • May 24, 2013 – The dictionary provides insight into the lingo/slang/dialect spoken in a time … a cool person from the 40s who understands and speaks ‘jive’ talk. … .com/2008/09/25/are-you-hep-to-the-jive-the-cab-calloway-hepster-dictionary/

  • .. a cool person from the 40s who

  • .. a cool person from the 40s who

  • .. a cool person from the 40s who sent the Cooley’s amenia signal

  • Cooley’s Anemia Foundation (Are you cool?)

  • www.thalassemia.org/

  • Cooley’s Anemia Foundation

  • United States organization offering support to thalassemia patients and their families. Information about medical aspects of the condition, legislative issues, and …

  • About Thalassemia - ‎ Contact the Foundation - ‎ Medical Research - ‎ Our Mission

  • Beta Thalassemia (Cooley’s Anemia) | Johns Hopkins …

  • www.hopkinsmedicine.org/…/beta_th…

  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

  • Beta thalassemia major (Cooley’s anemia). Both #11 chromosomes that an affected person has inherited are abnormal. Both of the chromosomes have .

  • Let’s look at the living EARTH cell and the geography location of Ferguson.

  • Hence, the selection by the Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom of the city of Fe = Ferguson and the selection of iron Hemoglobin molecules in the LIVER of the “Tall Gentle Giant” … the Darwin selection process to maximize the signal sent to biochemistry on the modern evolution FORMATS and PROTOCOLS of communications methods by Nature’s systems. to researchers. Attention please.

  • Thus we see the EARTH and the hepatology / biochemistry molecular OUTPUT message processing system and the molecular social communications DECISION system in action.

  • Thus the Missouri Rive that flows around the ferrous oxide IRON atom MIRROR (City of Ferguson) ..r

  • Above picture ..bottom of picture ….. atom city of Ferguson surrounded on 3 sides by Missouri River (representing arteries and blood flow arteries and their hepatology interaction with the iron atoms in the LIVER) . Thus in the St.Louis/ Ferguson EARTH geography region we have the EXTERNAL image of an INTERNAL hepatology molecular communication process that takes place in the INTERNAL biology of a human SYMBOL MACHINE..

  • The molecular process began …with the selection of atomic number IRON …year 26 ….year 1726 to emphasize the ferrous oxide IRON component of LIVER and its SYMBOL abilities ….. hence, the output results …. year 1726 (atomic number 26) and the word LIVER (subset word of book title -> Gulliver) and the message traveling thru time ….from 1726 to the year 1964 Beatles music group and their human LIVER’s that lived in the EARTH geography region of Liverpool, England.

  • Hence, their music is really LIVER music language that ought be decoded by biochemistry translators that live in the living EARTH cell geography region of LIVERPOOL and its societal data communication buffer POOL.

  • Hence, the CAB Calloway (black singer) hepatology music/ song to the ST.Louis/ Ferguson black community .. musicians who ignore their own messengers .. musician who are to busy with their girl friends and BEDROOM parties …. to busy having fun … instead of studying the Michael Brown LIVER message of book Gulliover;’s Travels and the Cotton Club singer Cab Calloway.

  • So, we see the secret HEPATOLOGY music COMMAND language of the black music community ..used to control the human brain via audio instructions on thoughts, attitudes, and behavior.

  • The above picture …..words –> Hi de highness –> ancient bio-computer BASE 16 hexadecimal codes from the EARTH geography region of AFRICA –> Hex’A’ = 10 and Hex’F’ = 15.

  • Hi de highness………..

  • ….de high –> code high values –> 255 –> hex’FF” …oFFicial commands for the ST.Louis region

  • St.Louis …

  • ST…..is –> information systems for human bio-computers

  • What is the hepatology secret code of –> Are you hep to the jive?

  • using the lyrics and poetry style of rhymes …techniques of musicians keywords and English alphabet –>

  • The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters (uppercase or lowercase) – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet :

  • A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

  • ……………………….J

  • Jive

  • K (skip)

  • .Live –> Liver

  • M (skip)

  • N –> Niven –> Link to David Niven of Hollywood VIA the LIVER communications link

  • David Niven – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ David _ Niven

  • Wikipedia

  • James David Graham Niven (1 March 1910 – 29 July 1983) was an English actor and novelist who was popular in Europe and in the United States. He may be …

  • David Niven on screen, stage … - ‎ Hide-and-seek - ‎ Château-d’Œx - ‎ Separate Tables

  • Let’s look at other LIVER communications links using atomic number of IRON 55.85…. ..such as Interstate Highway 55 from Chicao to St.Louis. .

  • Chicago Iron Works, Inc

  • www. chicagoironworks inc.com/

  • Chicago Iron Works is

  • Chicago’s leading source for unique

  • and orna mental iron work

  • fences, railings, fire escapes, stairways, gates, balconies and much, much …

  • The University

  • of Chicago

  • www.u chicago .edu/

  • University of Chicago

  • The University of Chicago is a private, nondenominational, culturally rich and ethnically diverse coeducational

  • research university located in Hyde Park, …

  • 4.4

  • 132 Google reviews · Write a review · Google+ page

  • Hyde Park –> Hyde –> Hy + de –> Highway code

  • From I-55 (Stevenson Expressway): – Sheraton Chicago …

  • message from periodic atomic table element Iron- 55

  • www.sheratonchicago.com/downloads/directions.pdf

  • Follow I-55 (Stevenson Expressway) east until it ends on Lake Shore Drive. Take Lake Shore Drive North to the Monroe. Street exit and turn left, heading west.

  • Thus we see the living EARTH cells and hepatology ferrous oxide IRON atomic mass 55 and the EXTERNAL geography display of that communications highway ..known as Interstate Highway 55.

  • Advanced Hepatology

  • - Department of Medicine – University …

  • medicine. uchicago .edu/…/advanced_hep_program…

  • University of Chicago

  • The University of Chicago Advanced Fellowship in General and Transplant Hepatology provides a broad practical and scholarly exposure to clinical problems …

  • University of Chicago…. Advanced Transplant Hepatology

  • University of Chicago…. Advanced Trans + plan + t H …

  • University of Chicago…. Advanced Transportation project plan TH(Thoughts) of hepatologist VIA a Jonathan Swift atomic iron automobile (traveling at 55.85 miles per hour on the nearby Stevenson Expressway (Interstate-55) ..the University of Chicago hepatology LIVER message of Gulliver’s travels …truly travels in a SWIFT motor vehicle) to rendezvous in St.Louis in the Fe = ferrous oxide IRON atom bio-physics RD LIVER community of Fe="Ferguson" with the TALL Gentle Giant LIVER specimen (Michael Brown).

  • Below, Nature’s origin/ source code region …..

  • Chicago Iron Works, Inc

  • www. chicagoironworks inc.com/

  • Chicago Iron Works is

  • Chicago’s leading source for unique

  • and orna mental iron work

  • fences, railings, fire escapes, stairways, gates, balconies and much, much …

  • The University of Chicago …a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of human LIVERs (the campus collective of students, professors, and administrative employees contribute to the LIVER GROUP MIND) ..and provide input data to Nature’s LIVER social engineering and message processing systems.

  • www.u chicago .edu/

  • ..

  • Thus we see the EARTH liver signal in Chicago and get routed to VIA iron motor vehicles with drivers ….. that is… from Nature’s big picture EARTH’s view ..the motor vehicles carry human livers and bio-computer subroutine drivers and the liver hepatology database VIA I-55 (EARTH road map Iron-55 code) to St.Louis for additional data processing by COMPUTER EARTH system 370 hepatology division of Nature’s INTELLECT.

  • In the St.Louis region we have the ferrous oxide iron atom … super-symmetry MIRROR city of Fe = Ferguson , Micahel Brown music and the black people heritage of Cab Calloway ….are you hep –. in year 2014 …. are you hep hepatology people in the ferrous oxide data generating community of Ferguson AND are you hep to the LIVER JIVE.

  • The Principles of Psychology – Online Library of Liberty

  • oll.libertyfund.org/titles/1394

  • Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855 --> 18 and 55 message --> with IRON atomic mass 55 message for modern INTERSTATE I-55 and Missouri River region of water molecule mass 18 ] ….. The validity of the conclusions we draw respecting either internal or external phenomena, depends on …

  • Herbert Spencer – Page 100 – Google Books Result

  • books.google.com/books?id=GiwRAAAAYAAJ

  • John Arthur Thomson – 1906

  • Principles of Biology, Spencer admits …………………the fact of … if life be correspondence between internal and external relations, then …

  • Above, we see the EXTERNAL map of a LIVER region …. Nature using the EARTH geography surface as a sheet of paper with proper nouns and flow chart lines, etc.

  • Thus the Missouri RIVER is like a blood artery and a information data stream of consciousness, subconsciousness, and the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness for the University of Chicago human LIVER specimens who READ (or are aware of the existence of the year 1726 LIVER hepatology textbook named Gullible LIVER’s Travel.

  • Ferguson is the EXTERNAL image of iron atom and IRON proteins in blood with the HEME group Fe(ii) ion.

  • Michael Brown ,,the TALL GENTLE GIANT ..was needed to activate the LIVER message processing system of GULLIVER ….. hence, the Michael Brown signaling EVENT was in the news and on television ….. getting attention ….. and getting my attention as a curious amateur researcher.

  • That is a consequence of watching Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poriot on PBS television .. and reading the paper book versions of the mystery stories …that are INTELLECTUAL training tools for the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbol processor.

  • Above, the INTERNAL map with the arteries …. approximate equivalent of the Missouri River and Ferguson iron atom processor with atomic number 26 and the 26 letters of the English alphabet …. the need by Nature’s systems to establish an accurate English Language dictionary for the GLAND dictionary of enGLAND that lINKs into EARTH LANGUAGE, germanic languages of botany germination processes, and other languages of Europe and the Solar System EM languages …….. an accurate dictionary without Madison Avenue advertising and marketing WORD tricks, music tricks and Hollywood manipulations, etc.

  • Below, proper noun signal ….. St.Charles (Darwin ) Code in SYMBOL MACHINE evolution with applications to LIVER social sciences.

  • Of course, the history of hepatology OUTPUT siganls is well-known.

  • 1) Liver music from the Beattle of Liverpool fro the EAR right LOBE)

  • 2) Liver stones musics expression system –. the Rolling Stones musics and the hepatology music magazine Rolling Stone ..written and published by the LIVERS and the LIVER LOBE relationship to EAR LOBES …. of the editors and reporters

  • Above, the left LIVER LOBE ….. code –> left Lobe –> code –> Le LOBE –> via Nature’s human messenger devices that ACT out the message –> Loepold and Lobe (Loeb) …. explain the LIVER signal from year 1925 from the University fo Chicago and their collective LIVER self-awareness problems.

  • Leopold and Loeb trial – PBS

  • www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/monkey trial /…/e_ leopoldloeb .html

  • PBS

  • People & Events: The Leopold and Loeb Trial. Leopold, Loeb and Darrow In the Leopold and Loeb trial of 1924

  • Leopold and Loeb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Leopold _and_ Loeb

  • Wikipedia

  • Nathan Freudenthal Leopold, Jr. (November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971) and Richard Albert Loeb (June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936), more commonly known …

  • Perfect crime - ‎ Clarence Darrow - ‎ Compulsion - ‎ Rope

  • Nathan Freudenthal Leopold, Jr. (November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971) [1] and Richard Albert Loeb (June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936), more commonly known as “ Leopold and Loeb “, were two wealthy University of Chicago students who kidnapped and murdered 14-year-old Robert “Bobby” Franks in 1924 in Chicago

  • The Chicago Crime Scenes Project: Nathan Leopold’s Home

  • chicagocrimescenes.blogspot.com/2009/09/nathan- leopolds -home.html

  • Sep 26, 2009 – Years of speculation by researchers about whether Leopold or Loeb originally … to a , where he would receive a telephone call ….

  • while housed in separate rooms at

  • the Windermere Hotel on 56th

  • (Iron atomic mass isotope 56 signal about liver anger expressions) and …

  • Iron-56 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron-56

  • Wikipedia

  • Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all nuclides, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon

  • Thus .. in year 2014…we continue to see the secret societies and their SILIENCE at the University of Chicago …as they refuse to help serious researchers try to unravel Nature’s system puzzle ..puzzling messages.

  • You have some clues and a rough outline / flowchart to help you ….. more research need to be done ..and the flowchart need to be updated with more detail ….with the help of modern HEP hepatologist and other science areas (physics, geography, forensic sciences, etc). …all types of concepts and data are intertwined into the Michael Brown signaling event.

  • As described in another situation ….

  • Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy

  • books.google.com/books?isbn=0393312763

  • Kip S. Thorne – 1994 – ‎Science

  • The concepts (black holes and their horizons, wormholes, tidal forces, … Its central thread is historical, and with this thread are interwoven the book’s other themes. … reader to an elegant tapestry of interrelated ideas from physics, astrophysics, …

  • Hepatology and LIVER output social expressions from year 1726 ……

  • Its central thread is historical, and with this thread are interwoven the book’s other themes. … reader to an elegant tapestry of interrelated ideas from physics, biochemistry, English literature, forensic sciences, atomic English, Liver OUTPUT music and harmonic sound waves to the EAR LOBE and its INTERNAL feedback signal routed to the LIVER LOBE ….. hence, the LOBE loop…

  • .

  • Thus we see the year 1924 LOBE/LOEB message and the city block of the Windermere Hotel on 56th Street …….the continued HYDE PARK mysteries of the University of Chicago and the Stevenson expressway ….

  • “ Leopold and Loeb “, were two wealthy University of Chicago students who kidnapped and murdered 14-year-old Robert “Bobby” Franks in 1924 in Chicago

  • Robert Franks –> Robert + St.Louis + Stevenson Expressway –> Robert Louis Stevenson and year 2014 in Chicago Hyde Park ……

  • Cause –> Effect concepts ……..

  • The Sociology of Herbert Spencer Dr. Ronald Keith Bolender

  • www.bolender.com/…/ Spencer ,%20 Herbert /The%20Sociology%20of%2…

  • Jan 26, 2006 – Herbert Spencer saw himself as a philosopher rather than as a ……

  • social phenomena there is a general order of co-existence and sequence; …

  • Thus we see the Isaac Asimov concept /noun / word equations –> Robert Lewis Stevenson AND Jonathan Swift (Gulliver;s Travels and their relationship to real REALITY in EARTHLY human activities and signals,

  • Thus the 2 authors and their role in Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE systems.

  • Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE … as are art, music, literature, etc..

  • Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive S artre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities

  • 1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.

  • 2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

  • Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

  • Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

  • Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

  • There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

  • Thus we understand Charles Dickens ” TALE of 2 Cities”.

  • Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH.

  • String Theory and The Hierarchy Problem in Physics - For ...

  • www.dummies.com/.../string-theory-and-the- hierarchy - problem -in-physi...

  • Many physicists feel that string theory will ultimately be successful at resolving thehierarchy problem

  • In theoretical physics, the hierarchy problem is the large discrepancy between aspects of

  • Theory Seminar - Theoretical Physics - Fermilab

  • theory .fnal.gov/seminars/seminars.html

  • Fermilab

  • 50+ items - Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall , Curia II. Special dates or ...

  • Fermilab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Fermilab

  • Wikipedia

  • Fermilab's Tevatron was a landmark particle accelerator; at 3.9 miles (6.3 km) in ... In addition to high energy collider physics , Fermilab is also host to a number of ....

  • The design of the administrative building (Wilson Hall) harks back to St. Pierre's Cathedral in Beauvais , France , and several of the buildings and sculptures within the Fermilab reservation represent various mathematical constructs as part of their structure.

  • The design of the administrative building ( Wilson Hall ) harks back to St.

  • The design of the administrative building ( Wilson Hall ) harks back to St.

  • The design of .he ad .................building ( Wilson Hall ) harks back to St.

  • The design of he ad ...Nature's atomic human brain SYMBOL /CONCEPT building (Wilson Hall ) harks back to St.

  • The design of Nature's existential building (EARTH and Earth CMS) harks back to St.

  • The design of Nature's existential building (EARTH and Computer Earth Content Management Systems) harks back to St.Louis symbolic structure .....

West Road

Watertown Wisconsin

  • Special Topic on Z-Fact / accurate explanations that replace the atomic social science BUll-stories approved by Physics - Science in Chin / mouth Press

  • www.scichina.com/new_web_en/News.asp?id=873

  • Oct 26, 2010 ---> code Octagon House, atomic number 26 Highway 26

  • Watertown Wisconsin

  • A specially designed high energy e + e - collider (the Wronskian differential equation problem at Florida Sate University and the collider argument over the grad on the TEST) running at an energy of around the Z boson (Mr. Z at Boise Cascade Office Products with

  • Bose-Einstein statistics) ...... mass with a luminosity ( Lumin --> lu + mind --> logical unit mind) as high as possible ( Base 16 hex'FF" = high-values), e.g. ---> earth government initials ...

  • [PPT] Why Z-Fact on Margaret Mead atomic social science

  • tpcsf.ihep.ac.cn/xinwen/ppt/zhangzx.ppt

  • --Working Group for Physics at Z - factory --. On Z - Fact ..... Facts of LIFE ..... . Presented ( Pre - sent by Nature and its LIVER output systems) in 乌兰浩特 Workshop. July 20, 2010. 2. The Working Group. 乔从丰 <qiaocf@gucas.ac.cn>,

Now let's look at EARTH LAB site for Nature's SOCIAL CONTRACT (see John Locke and others) and the Laws of Liver at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California.


William M. Lacy , ‎ Herbert Spencer - 1883

William M. Lacy, Herbert Spencer . further. The alleged correspondence remains to be manifested. It is a correspondence of internal to external activities. But the ...

Above, the EXTERNAL image on EARTH geography location in California

Below, the INTERNAL image of LIVERMORE LABS --> code Liver more --> code --> wants more livers ..hence the OCTMOM problem in human liver production in violation of the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows, mouth SALTY treaty of the sodium chloride molecule with the human dinner table.

"Octomom" Nadya Suleman pleads no contest to welfare fraud

www.cbsnews.com/.../ octomom -pleads-no-contest-to-welfare-f...

CBS News

Jul 14, 2014 - LOS ANGELES - " Octomom " Nadya Suleman, who became famous in 2009 by giving birth to octuplets, has pleaded no contest to a single ..

The Isaac Asimov equation we are interested in STARTS in the region with University of Chicago 56th street and FermiLAB at Illinois ROUTE 56.

Thus the Chicago LIVER information output site (the double-helix sites using identifier Iron number 56) add /enhance the LIVER database with brain thoughts using the SKU11 equation.

The SKU11 is property of Nature's warehouse of ideas / knowledge/ concepts/ languages/ equations / flowcharts .... therefore SKU11 = SKU 11 -->Stock Keeping Unit 11 (number eleven) --> STOCK KEEPING UNIT composed of symbols and abstract entities.

Therefore Route 56/ 66 Street + 11 --> 66 ---> Route 66 ..gravity highway that transfers data from Chicago to California.

Thus ..the data north to the Livermore, California area to rendezvous with the Livermore Labs liver life forms.

Thus we see some of the components of the molecular cell biology JAIL cell

Thus we see the periodic atomic table of elements and its expression system ... the selection by f the EARTH iron core of the EARTH LAB geography surface site in central California .... to signal the central iron atom (Fer --> ferrous oxide at FermiLAB LINK to Livermore in central California)

Thus ...... gravity field interact with atomic mass ... hence in bio-physics terms ...the maximum gravity field interaction would be with the iron atom inside the human body .....and those iron atoms in the b100d pass thru LIVER ...like a data collection site ...hence resulting in hepatology LIVER textbooks ..... like the year 1726 textbook ..... ..Gullible Liver's travel to California on gravity ROUTE 66 (number 66 in the gravity equation) and skull number 11 becomes the exponent in the gravity equation.

Thus after thousands of years of gravity field interaction with brain atomic mass and its thoughts ,,,the gravity field has acquired those thoughts and established a gravity grammar.

Likewise, the North Pole magnetic field interaction with human iron atoms and the atomic number 26 and its atomic English letters and atomic English language thoughts ...... .... and hence, the magnetic field evolved into a EARTH magnetic data field with social engineering thoughts.

Hence, the emergence of this North Pile magnetic field process with iron Hemoglobin proteins and human brain thoughts. .....gave rise to the concept of Santa Claus and the North pole and flying reindeer,

Thus the emergence of these Santa Claus stories in culture / history ... tells us the approximate time frame in Nature's systems when this Darwinian evolution of magnetic field interaction with human SYMBOL PROCESSORS .. and SYMBOL LIFE / thought took place.

Thus in year 2014 ..as we approach the Christmas holidays .. FermiLAB and Livermore refuse to announce to adult college educated humans .... THEORY of the Earth iron core, NORTH POLE magnetic field expression systems such as . Santa Claus.

Thus we have Nature's angry LIVER ... very angry LIVER ...... and the humans that use the human body with LIVER/HEARTH/LUNGS as a bio-computer host platform for their parasite social science bedroom LIVER production activities.

Thus we see several messages from Nature's expression systems that appear in the news ...and the Office of Science refuses to discuss these matters ...... since they are INTELLECTUAL prisoners of the Washington, DC brain manipulation systems ...as forewarned by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Attention please. Are you brave enough to communicate and pass the word along ..about Nature's puzzling message.

You have some pieces to the puzzle given here ..... a puzzle that is part of the Theory of Everything..... and that include you!

Theory of everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Theory_of_everything


A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory refers to the hypothetical presence of a single, all-encompassing, coherent ...

‎ Grand Unified Theory - ‎ Disambiguation - ‎ Exceptionally Simple - ‎ Philosophy