The EARTH math geography map of Lake Michigan and Chicago math life

Post date: Jul 20, 2020 4:02:58 AM

RD-blog-number-1261 by Herb Zinser

This blog post reviews math models of the Lake Michigan region of Chicago,

Gary Indiana and the geography state line boundaries as math frames of reference..

First, let's look at a background blog post that covers many concepts.

Rd-bog-number-1260 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH algebra geography map of the Lake Michigan quadratic equation parabolic graph and Chicago Poles, Chicago Circle campus, and the University of Chicago at 56th Street.

Let's look at a math outline of the Chicago and Gary, Indiana region. After that simple model is covered ..we shall extended the concept to include more factors.

Rd-blog-number-1259 by Herb Zinser reviews the Lake Michigan mathematical-physics properties known to geography students that live in cities along Lake Michigan.

Images for university of chicago quad --> quadratic equation

For example ..... y = x power 2 + 4x 4

To help solve EARTH LANGUAGE quadratic equations ..the University of Chicago has the Quad.

University of Chicago Quad Expansion Next Week Shuts ... chicago /.../university-of-chicago - quad -expansion-nex...

Jun 13, 2013 - The University of Chicago is closing 58th Street to extend the quad to the business school.

The above math law equation ..with component --> ac --> is represented by the ACLU.

ACLU University of Chicago Law Chapter

--> Chapter on Quadratic equation

law Blueprint https://blueprint. uchicago .edu/.../ uchicago law aclu /...University of Chicago

ACLU University of Chicago Law Chapter. Organization Purpose: Promote and preserve civil liberties through legal discussions. Organization Bylaws: ARTICLE ...

Now, let's return to Lake Michigan and EARTH math.

The Earth iron core with atomic number 26 uses the 26 letters of the English alphabet and other symbols to provide Nature with a SYMBOL MACHINE with various processors and symbol engines.

In high algebra and plane geometry ... students do their textbook math exercises on flat sheet of paper with a pencil. They draw graphs, parabolas, etc along with various equations and their solutions.

Thus ..from the EARTH iron core ............ the EARTH geography land .... in a LOCAL region is similar to a flat sheet of paper ...... and Nature's writes its messages using various configurations ........... like Lake Michigan.

At the bottom of Lake Michigan is an EARTH iron core LINK to the EARTH surface city of Gary with iron ..its core business activity ......... that is with iron its core data bus(iness).

The atomic English IRON language tells us the word Gary --> G + ary --> Gravity array area.

Thus at the bottom of the parabolic graph .. the minimal .. is some type of iron/gravity interaction point

Thus the 2 components .....gravity and iron

Thus we have the word Gary, Indiana ..region of Gravity field LINKS to iron arrays ..etc in that geography site.

In addition, we have another version of Gary --> G + arry --> Grammar array (expression system of iron isotopes using humanoid calculators and symbol processors at the IRON isotope ..... geography GRID IRON road map ....

Iron-56 and 56th Street

  • Of all nuclides, iron - 56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...

  • Isotopes of iron

  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  • Iron - 56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron -56 . Of all nuclides, iron - 56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...

Thus ..above we see the iron isotope university ..with its variety of 4 EARTH LAB human specimens.

In 3 out of 4 years .... they use the Fe = ferrous oxide iron atomic calendar value of 28 neutron days for the month of Fe = February. Below, the neutron calendar for IRON-54 for iron Hemoglobin life forms on 54th Street at the University of Chicago.

Thus ..we have many mysteries about the secret societies of IRON and gravity ..and their grammar ....

and the LINK between Gary and 56th Street.

In addition, University of Chicago is near Lake Mic --> La + ke + mic --> Load Address atoMIC ...

using Lake Mic wave mechanics get transformed in wave equations at the UC physics building.


In addition to the EARTH iron-56 LINK of 56th Street ..we a have the University of Chciago

EARTH copper-63 wire ...that is.... the parallel to copper wire is the concrete 63rd Street.

Thus the geography LAND surface region occupied by the University of Chicago .... has many secrets that ought to be revealed.

We now have some clues about the intellectual TRANSFORMATION properties of Hyde Park.

Prof. Greg Engel - Chemistry - University of Chicago chemistry. uchicago .edu/faculty/.../greg-engel.htmlUniversity of Chicago

OFFICE: 929 E. 57th St., GCIS E 119, Chicago , IL 60637 ... To extract this data,

we adapted the Z - transform and applied it to

Now, let's consider an extension of the above concepts about Lake Michigan.

Let's look at the Lake Michigan parabola contour as an algebra graph with the

horizontal x-axis going from Michigan across Lake Michigan thru Chicago.

The vertical y-axis passes thru the iron city of Gary.

Above, the interior of the graph is water ..... .Lake Michigan and its wave mechanics.

On the right side is LAND of the geography state of Michigan the super-symmetry

MIRROR ..quantum state of Michigan.

On the left is the city of Chicago, Illinois ( and north of Chicago is the geography state of Wisconsin and its sin wave equation ...word components --> Wis + con + sin.

For now, let's assume the x-axis goes thru Chicago and the

graph of the ax2 + bx + c = o --> circle shape ---> has a solution .. a root at Chicago Circle campus ..the EARTH LANGUAGE sign of zero in concrete.

Remember, the bottom of the graph is iron/gravity city of Gary.

The x-axis and y-axis intersect ... somewhere in Lake Michigan.

This the x-axis and Y-axis ......... the origin point ... is an atomic point located on the geography surface.

We have water waves ..sin waves in Lake Michigan physical motion on a windy day.

Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE suggested description .....

Lake Michigan.......... .. code word



Lake ato mic higan -->

Lake at (location) o (origin point) mic higan

Thus .. we believe that the SYMBOL models and math equations of atoms ... descriptions based on extensive LAB research ...descriptions published in college chemistry and physics textbooks ..................... those descriptions are in some approximate manner ....... similar to Nature's geography language, selection of locations, assignment of proper nouns, etc.

The above tiered levels ..such as a family of existential structures at different levels ..... or a family of quadratic equations in the region ......... or different levels of perception.

Thus TIER level PROBLEM ...... also known as the HIERARCHY PROBLEM in atomic social sciences.

Now, let's advance our model ..of the EARTH geography region and its atomic and mathematical properties ...and Nature's identifier messages for thinkers.

Evanston --> pointer to year 1955 MIT textbook →

Zion --> Z input output Z +( Atomic + number )

Z ( Atomic number ) synonyms, Z ( Atomic number ) antonyms. Information about Z ( Atomic number ) in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia.

Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Z = atomic number = number of protons in the nucleus = number of electrons

......... Michigan City -->

atomic city of atomic,bio-physics humanoids with Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family problems

Valparaiso --> Val + para + is + o --> Valence parallel information systems

Now. let's look at more advanced concepts of the Chicago mathematical-physics geography signaling region with bio-math humans.

chicago5.PNG Poles _in_ Chicago


Poles in Chicago have contributed to the economic, social and cultural well-being .... people ofPolish ethnicity in the Chicago metropolitan area, although some ...

Rice University

For finite values of z, poles are the roots of Q(z), but poles can also occur ... Note that the ROC clearly cannot contain any poles since by definition the ROC.

Thus we see how people and the EARTH mathematical-physics geography surface .... together ...form a fabric of EARTHY space/time with human activities embedded within that fabric. › ... › Physics › Relativity

Black Holes & Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous Legacy and over one million other ....

always human, tapestry of interlocking themes , coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the . ..

The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the…

The Chicago loop math .....


Because it only looks at the Nyquist plot of the open loop systems , it can be applied without explicitly computing the poles and zeros of either the closed-loop or ...

Another example ..of math and social engineering..... SingularityZeroPole Mod.html

is called a singular point, or singularity of the complex function f(z) if f is not ... Definition 7.5 (Removable Singularity , Pole of order k, Essential Singularity ).

Pole of order k

Pole of order k

Pole of order k

Pole of order k --> the EARTH math continuum orders to the human Polish-American ... applied math .....POLE of order K = Kazmierczak


Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois ... The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local ...

Thus ...we now see the EARTH geography region identifier NOUN --> Wisconsin

The words ............ Wisconsin geography ..spell


Thus some type of sin wave region


The shooting at Cole Hall was at Northern in DeKalb.

..................................................................No.............De --> Node --> death node

In europe ...the rope of eu+rope ......the death Node --> Norway Denmark regions ..... Utoya shootings and Liege bombing

Finally. we consider the geography state line boundaries ...and their usage as the horizontal x-axis ..perhaps not a precise straight line ...... but from Nature's point of view ,,, it could behave as such.

Derivation of the Schrödinger Equation

The Schrödinger equation is a wave equation.

Just as you might imagine the solution of such an equation

in free space is a wave. Mathematically we can express a

wave as a sine or cosine function. These functions are

oscillating functions. We will derive the wave equation in

free space starting with one of its solutions: sin(x).

Before we begin it is important to realize that bound states

may provide different solutions of the wave equation than

those we find for free space.

Bound states include

rotational and vibrational states as well as atomic wave

functions. These are important cases that will be treated

once we have fundamental understanding of the origin of

the wave equation or Schrödinger equation

We are interested in EARTH LANGUAGE key words

Wisconsin --> subset word --> sin (math properties of the State of Wisconsin ...with Nikola Tesla EARTH waves

Michigan ..... subset code --> mic implies 1/2 of word --> . atomic

These geography regions ..... are related to the equations used physics / chemistry theorists ... see a below.

Thus we have the Wisconsin ..... Tesla EARTH resonance vibration waves …

sin wave math functions ..... EARTH wave level

....that are LINKED to the atomic level

South of the Wisconsin border is the NODE --> Northern DeKalb. the state of Ill/sick noise...known as Illinois.

Thus we have Nature's puzzling messages to RD institutions ..such as universities...that were entrusted to stay on top of things and communicate with others about serious matters.