Hannah Graham and T.W. Graham Solomons message

Post date: Jul 19, 2020 12:14:54 AM

Rd-blog-number-3969 by Herb Zinser

Hannah Graham and

T.W. Graham Solomons message

This blog post looks at the University of Virginia and the organic chemistry continuum and its molecular social chemistry expression system at the EARTH LAB campus system in the CH = Carbon-Hydrogen city of Ch = Charlottesville.

We are interested in the Hannah Graham missing message..

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_ Hannah _ Graham


Hannah Graham , an 18-year-old college sophomore at the University of Virginia, went missing on September 13, 2014. She was last seen early in the morning ...

images for Hannah Graham

www.amazon.com/ Organic - Chemistry ... Solomons /.../04716...


The ..... Edition of Organic Chemistry continues Solomons - Fryhle's tradition of excellence in teaching and preparing students for success in the organic ...

Hence, we are interested in the SYMBOL MACHINE languages and equations ..... and their message .... messages contained within the Hannah Graham signaling EVENT.

Let's look at another blog post ...that discusses the Hannah Graham situation and its information systems LINK to the biochemistry textbook from the University of Wisconsin, Madison ... written by Nelson and COX..

RD-blog-number-3967 by Herb Zinser reviews the college texttbook wars and their signals.

The 1st major education problem signal occurred in TEXAS in year 1963 ...

. Texas School Book Depository - Wikipedia, the free ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Texas _ School_Book _ Depository Wikipedia

Assassination of John F. Kennedy - [edit]. Main article: Assassination of John F. Kennedy . In 1963 the building was in use as a multi-floor ..

H istory of the Texas School Book Depository | The Sixth ... www. jfk .org/.../history-of-the- texas -...Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Now housing The Sixth Floor Museum, the Texas School Book Depository was ... Book Depository at the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy .

Texas School Book Depository - The Sixth Floor Museum www. jfk .org/.../ texas - school-book - d ...Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

Hunt, Conover. The Sixth Floor : John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation. .... motorcade taken from the Texas School Book Depository building. The reel ...

The Texas School Book Depository for carbon atomic number 6 and organic chemistry textbooks on hydrocarbons such as plastic, oil, and gasoline.


Herbert Spencer - Page 100 - Google Books Result books.google.com/books?

John Arthur Thomson - 1906

Principles of Biology, Spencer admits that he had not sufficiently emphasised the fact of ... If life be correspondence between internal and external relations,

.. Herbert Spencer and the Invention of Modern Life books.google.com/books?isbn=0801445906

Mark Francis - 2007 - ‎Biography & Autobiography

Spencer's focus on "organic correspondence " relied on the emphasis given to ... of the notion that internal changes correspond to external environmental forces: .

. The Relation of Spencer's Evolutionary Theory to Darwin's home.uchicago.edu/~rjr6/.../ Spencer -London.docUniversity of Chicago

Our image of Herbert Spencer is that of a bald, dyspeptic bachelor, spending his ..... two part article entitled “The Factors of Organic Evolution ,” the aim of which ..... (17 November 1863), Athenaeum Collection of Spencer's Correspondence , MS ...

Hence, we have the modern correspondence ..math function mapping ...

INTERNAL ..periodic atomic table element carbon and number 6

EXTERNAL version of the carbon atom building and its thoughts ...the EXTERNAL visible display on the EARTH geography surface in Dallas .... the 6 stories of the TEXAS School book building and the omission from TEXAS books of Herberrt Spencer's accurate observation


Earth government molecular systems ….

Lewis DOT structure

Sub-set human agencies and systems ere

WisDOT buys Aldrich Chemical building - Milwaukee ...

www.bizjournals.com › stories › 2002/12/16 › daily40

Dec 16, 2002 - building at 1001 W. St. Paul (Dirac) Ave (Avogadro’s number of existential molecules in a mole station……..

mole-station problems of pregnant ant /insect society)

for $32.5 million as part of the state's reconstruction of the

Marquette University BULL-SHIT Interchange, Aldrich's parent company …

Aldrich's parent company …

Aldrich's parent company …

Aldrich's parent company …


Hence, we see the mapping from the source domain of the carbon atom and its social chemistry thoughts and anger ..... amplified ...enlarged to destination RANGE .... the EARTH geography display surface and the large brick building shown above ...in the image of a carbon atom,

Super-symmetry physics MIRRORS explain this process and how is works in some situations ...such as the OSWALD signal --> OS/JCL = Operating Systems ..Job Control Language for human bio-computers...


Now, let's look at Virginia and its problems.

Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Virginia _ Tech _ shooting Wikipedia

The Virginia Tech shooting was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ... ‎ Seung-Hui Cho - ‎ Liviu Librescu - ‎ Kevin Granata - ‎ Jamie Bishop

The Virginia TECH explanation printed in newspapers id incomplete ..many factors are omitted in the analysis of the tragic signaling EVENT.

1) April 16 and the reference to base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer systems

2) The April 16 signal about oxygen atomic mass 16 used by the nose.mouth of talking Virginia TECH humanoids and their English language blabber filled with concepts and logic errors.

3) the omission from the news reports of the Isaac Asimov

psychohistory CHO equation .... i


Now, let's look at the University of Virginia .....

HANNAH GRAHAM - National Center for Missing and ... www. missing kids.co...National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Both photos shown are of Hannah . She was last seen on September 13, 2014. Hannah was last seen wearing a silver sequined crop top with black mesh cut

Disappearance of Hannah Graham ... .......

Disappearance of Hannah Graham

Hannah Graham , an 18-year-old college sophomore at the University of Virginia , went missing on September 13, 2014. She was last seen early in the morning that day, at the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia


Above the see the Hannah Graham communication line .... human metabolism signal ....... 37 Celsius - Body temperature chart | F to C www.ferinheightto celsius .com/F-to- C /doc/ 37 - celsius

Detailed chart for Celsius and Fahrenheit

temperature values in the vicinity of 37 degrees C . Useful for converting body temperature measurements.

The Charlottesville thermodynamics language code --> vicinity --> symbol combinations and permutations .... the living language letter groups -->

vic ....... ci + ty ... nity --> vice / bedroom parties ...city of silk nity and good times for the VIRGIN subset code of Virginia ...in the STATE of MIND --> VIRGINIA universities and their Virgin education ..... on social engineering control systems .. to get married and produce babies ..to prolong the BABY in the Babylon region of IRAQ. ...a s American soldiers fight in the Fertile Crescent for more fertility and pregnant women.


Hence, we have the Hannah Graham and Nature's metabolism WAR signal of 37.0 degrees Celsius ...and the additional bio-chemistry CLUE.

Search for Hannah Graham extends into northern Nelson ... www.wdbj7.com/... hannah - graham ... nelson - county /

Oct 2, 2014 - The search for missing University of Virginia student Hannah Graham has been extended into northern

Nelson County based on a new lead.

Search for Hannah Graham in Nelson County ... www.nbc29.com/.../crews-search-for- hannah - graham -in- nelson -... WVIR‑TV

T he search for Hannah Graham is reaching Nelson County Thursday. Police say the second-year University of Virginia student was last seen with Jesse ...

The SYMBOL MACHINE translation suggests the new lead is ...... biochemistry professor NELSON located in the Wisconsin in the geography county of DANE COUNTY ..... which is linked into the quantum state of WISCONSIN managed by the DANE researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute in Europe ...... and their experiment into Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family behavior and atomic thoughts VIA humanoid display devices in Madison, in DANE County, Wisconsin


David L Nelson - Biochemistry -

University of Wisconsin ... www. biochem . wis c.edu/faculty/ nelson /University of Wisconsin‑Madison

Sep 7, 2011 - Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin , in Madison. Graduate and Undergraduate programs, courses, …


Above, the DANE COUNTY geography region ...... an EARTH LAB area for atomic bio-physics expression system ..using humanoids ....... hence, starting with atoms and molecules NATURE built a humanoid structure with an identifier label ....David Nelson. He in turn ....starting on that atomic bio-physics operating system platform ....... he built/ described the biochemistry level of Nature ...and so on .... until we go to Virginia and Nelson County ..... this we see Nature's information string ..such as mentioned by string theory physics working on the Theory of Everything.


Nelson has been mentioned in the biochemistry WAR news before.r


Thus we see the University of Virginia and its biochemistry and brain engineering ERRORS and brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR errors forced NATURE's system to remind the world of NELSON biochemistry war zone ...VIA the Hannah Graham Nelson County tragic signaling EVENT.

Hence, we see the textbook WAR message starting with the Kennedy assassination TExas school books in year 1963 ......and over 50 years later .....year 2014 ..we continue to get textbook SYMBOL CODE messages , etc that are ignored by citizens and college graduates. WHO cares?

Now, let's resume to T.W.Graham Solomon organic chemistry signal from the C-H molecule region of CH = Charlottesville.

Hence, we focus on the Isaac Asimov psychohistory equation of chemistry symbols --> H and C.

Charlottesvile --> C H

HannaH --> H H

GraHam --> H

Combing the symbols ...we have C H H H H or CH4 --> the methane molecule code for female humanoid structures ..... previously categorized as ... women equivalent to methane gas ...by the brand name identifier

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Hence, from Nature's point of view ...using Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE ..... the organic molecule structures named women ...... since they talk a lot about themselves (me ..myself and I) and a lot of gas carrying English language words comes out of their mouth and since they wear Hane System underwear and nylons ...... from the organic chemistry continuum point of view ..... they are a human molecular species equivalent to methane gas.

Super-symmetry physics and chemistry MIRRORS along with an abundance of empirical data from EARTH LAB social chemistry sites like Charlettesville or Chicago .... the data speaks for itself. Married male researchers have 1st hand experience with these EARTH LAB specimens

Nature is trying to send some message to human society. What are the social engineering messages we need to figure out.

Organic Chemistry 8th Edition (Eighth Edition by T.W. Graham Solomons and Craig B. Fryhle)

Organic Charlottesville Edition by

T.W. Graham Solo ....

agent --> Hannah Graham Solo walk

..proper noun sequence ............ Hannah Graham Solomons ..gives algebra subset codes Han Solo .....

hence, the University of Virginia role in the INTELLECTUAL" Star Wars ........

played by ......

www. starwars .com/databank/ han - solo

Star Wars

Smuggler. Scoundrel. Hero. Han Solo , captain of the Millennium Falcon, was one of the great leaders of the Rebel Alliance. He and his co-pilot Chewbacca ...

assigned by Nature to human players

Han --> Hannah

Graham ..the common proper noun LINK to

Solo --> T.W.Graham Solomons author

Thus we see LANGUAGE maps ...a different levels

Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism is partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEFexistential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories -Rijnlandmodel

Language In Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.

Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories

There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

In addition, Nature's generated Hannah Graham communication EVENT provides a

T.W.Graham Solomons feedback signal to the University of Wisconsin ..organic chemistry department in Madison. ...with EARTH LANGUAGE geography road map codes for the

Zwitterion project and its human agent ...... .

.T ---> County Road T

W= West Road with an information systems LINK to the University of Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his , West Road ....... that links to the WEST ROAD shopping mall signal from Omaha and the West Gate shopping mall signal from Nairobi, Kenya, Africa..

The UW, Madison, Wisconsin signal was .........


in Madison we have human brain electron circuits ..... known as DA ..that parallel l copper-wire electron circuits ...... . ..hence, the brain engineering software news above

Differential amplifier (DA)

- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Differential _ amplifier


A differential amplifier is a type of electronic amplifier that amplifies the difference between two voltages but does not amplify the particular voltages.

Theory - ‎ Long-tailed pair - ‎ Operational amplifier as ... - ‎ Applications

Differential amplifier - HyperPhysics

hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/.../ opamp var6.ht...

Georgia State University

This (Madison) amplifier (with Nelson and Solomons) uses both inverting

and non-inverting inputs with a gain of one to produce an output equal to the difference between the inputs. It is a special case ...

Hence, we see Nature's ..textbook .... information systems architecture WAR DEMO using humans as molecular display devices. ,


Nature's data generating EVENT in Madison provides empirical data for theorists in chemistry, biochemistry, social engineering, etc..

www.channel3000.com/news/... Madison - Alderman .../829726...


Jan 5, 2012 - Madison Alderman Solomon is being asked to step down by several colleagues on

the Madison Common Council following allegations .

the Madison Common Council

the Madison Common Council

the Madison Common Council

the Madison lowest Common brain thoughts ……. Council

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lowest_common_denominator

In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. It simplifies adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions.

Description · ‎Role in arithmetic and ... · ‎Practical uses

www.calculatorsoup.com › Math › Fractions

The least common denominator (LCD) is the smallest number that can be a common denominator for a set of fractions. Also known as the lowest common ...

People also ask

How do you find the lowest common denominator in

Madison at the University of Wisconsin?


Jan 19, 2007 - The first candidate to announce for Madison's

10th aldermanic district was Brian Solomon . A former president of the Monroe-Dudgeon ...

Brain Solomon ....and his organic chemistry connections to n the Carl Jung molecular collective unconsciousness ................

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Aldehyde


An aldehyde /ˈældɨhaɪd/ is an organic compound containing a formyl group. The formyl group is a functional group, with the structure R-CHO, consisting of a ...

Formaldehyde - ‎ Side chain - ‎ Acetaldehyde - ‎ Category:Aldehydes

Thus .....Alderman SOLOMON ...an EARTH LAB political science LAB specimen for ,,


AS an Alderman ...a man representing Madison, Wisconsin aldehydes ..he is LINKED to the Isaac Asimov HYDE Park equation in Chicago... the UC equation .....

UC = the algebra set theory UNION of Carbon atomic sets (Carl Jung collectives of atoms) and this is located in the aldehyde region of Hyde Park ..UC = Universe of carbon agents --> UC = University of Chicago...


University of Chicago Medical Center

Directions from the west to the University of Chicago medical campus. ... (I-90/I- 94)

Stevenson Expressway (I-55) to Dan Ryan Expressway (I-90/I-94) Parking

Thus we have Nature's organic chemistry continuum ...and the aldehyde group and its human aldehyde expression group ...... with the modern aldehyde HIDE message .............

Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde Park...

Thus you have a few pieces to a puzzle ...that links biochemistry , organic chemistry, and tragic social signaling EVENTs ...... some process of expression by Nature that needs more research.

We are reminded of a concept .... the EARTH fabric of space/time with human subset events embedded within the larger Earth existential fabric

www.amazon.co.uk › ... › Physics Relativity


... leads readers through

an elegant, always human, tapestry of interlocking themes , .... Thorne ponders on several of the ramifications black holes have on our ...