Australian M-theory of Mau Mau death subroutine code of the gravity field and atmosphere
Post date: Jul 20, 2020 5:14:42 AM
Rd-blog-number-4440 by Herb Zinser
M-theory explains the
Australian M-theory of
Mau Mau death subroutine code
of the gravity field and atmosphere
This blog post reviews the secret languages and bull-stories of Australia.
The cigarette smoking controversy in Australia is about the nicotine molecule investigation of the acetylcholine secret neurotransmitter LANGUAGE CONTROL society in Australia by pregnant women by her boyfriends.
In the process of that investigation, Nature's systems and the SYMBOL MACHINE uncovered the Mau Mau system between Australian and other geography regions on EARTH .....such as Kenya and Austin, Texas,
M-theory physics looks at the code MM --> of words
--> Mau Mau ..... M + au =-- Murder australian style.
What is the EARTH Interaction mechanism used by the Australian people?
EARTH LANGUAGE code --> Mau Mau -->. MM australia --> thus the atmosphere barometric pressure in Australia with humans creates the Mau Mau thought process in the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness that rises up to a surface level of expression / display on the Earth geography surface ...such as the behaviors display of the Mau Mau in the
Carl Jung display region of the .....
Car ..jungles of Kenya, Africa ...........
Carbon atom / organic chemistry CONTINUUM anger --> via the carbon atom life forms in Kenya and
their Carl Jung .... Mau Mau thoughts that originated in austrialia. Atmospheric _ pressure
For the pressure of air in other systems, see pressure . .... is 101.325 kPa ( 1013.25 hPa or mbar) or 29.92 inches (inHg) or 760 millimetres of mercury ( mmHg). Pressure / BarometricPressure .html
Ordinary air pressure is the weight of a column of air that extends to the top of the ... At 0 0 C the height of a Mercury column supported by air pressure is 760 mm ... Pressure / BarometricPressure .html
Ordinary air pressure is the weight of a column of air that extends to the top of the ... At 0 0 C the height of a Mercury column supported by air pressure is 760 mm .
Thus M-theory and string theory physics look at the empirical data EVENT from year 1954 that supports this BAROMETRIC interaction model to human thought and behavior at the collective GROUP MIND level.
The data EVENTs in Africa ...........
The particular BAROMETRIC war casualty ..... data event from year 1954 Mau - Mau -claims-British-brutali...
Daily Mail
Feb 6, 2010 - In October 1954, about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey's cousin, Gray Leakey , strangling his wife ...
n October 1954, about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey's cousin, Gray Leakey, strangling his wife in front of him and then hauling him away to the Mt Kenya Crown Forest to sacrifice to their fearsome and demanding god.
We heard later that they cut open his stomach, yanked out his intestines and buried him in a pit upside-down, alive, facing the jagged peak of Mt Kenya where their deity lived.
Leakey was selected not because he was an enemy of the Kikuyu but, perversely, because he was widely considered a good man and therefore a more powerful sacrificial offering. He even had a Kikuyu nickname - Morungaru - which means 'tall and straight'.
Only a few weeks before my capture of the Mau Mau lookout, I had been working on a sheep farm in the White Highlands of Kenya. I was just 17 and had left Guernsey, where I grew up, to see a bit of the world.
Keywords and concepts .................
---> peak of Mt Kenya where their deity lived.
---> buried him in a pit upside-down
--> a Kikuyu nickname - Morungaru - which means 'tall and straight'.
Thus we have the EARTH LANGUAGE expressed via the actions of the Mau Mau ...nasty and horrible stuff that happened to Gray Leakey ........ but we must look at the Carl JUNG ...
JUNGLE expression and the Mt. Kenya mountain height message ..tall and straight ..which is the EARTH LAB version of a physic laboratory with the barometric pressure lab equipment. Mount _ Kenya
Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro. The highest peaks of the mountain are Batian (5,199 metres ...
Natural history of Mount Kenya - List of names on Mount Kenya
David Anderson - 2005 - History
murder of all took place, an event that reinforced white opinion that Mau Mau ' was ... chose wasGray Leakey , himself a Kikuyu-speaker and the cousin of Louis Leakey, ... Mary Leakey wasstrangled , the family's Catholic Kikuyu cook hanged and ... place and reburied beside his wifeMary in the Anglican cemetery at Nyeri, ...
Guy Campbell - 1986 - History
So too did the murder in October, 1954, of Arundel Gray Leakey (the cousin of ... His wife was found strangled on the lawn. ... These acts which were probably intended to terrify loyal Kikuyu once and for all into submission to Mau Mau only ...
. Mau _ Mau _ Uprising
The Mau Mau Uprising , also known as the Mau Mau Revolt , Mau Mau Rebellion or Kenya Emergency, was a military conflict that took place in Kenya between ...
Dedan Kimathi - Metropole - Operation Anvil › Chemistry › Chemical Laws
Jun 30, 2019 - An atomic mass unit is a physical constant equal to one-twelfth of the mass of an unbound atom of carbon-12. From that, all masses are ...
………. Mass Unit Definition (MaU) Mau code life › ... › Africa › Kenya
The Mau Mau Uprising , a revolt against colonial rule in Kenya, lasted from 1952 through 1960 and helped to hasten Kenya's independence. Issues like the ...
The EARTH LANGUAGE, Nikola Tesla EARTH waves and its language, SYMBOL MACHINE languages suggest the Gray Leakey database is important. Mau - Mau -claims-British-brutali...
Daily Mail
Feb 6, 2010 - In October 1954, about 60 Mau Mau guerrillas had attacked the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey's cousin, Gray Leakey , strangling his wife ...
Code words
--> Gray --> gravity bio-physics life form
cousin --> subset word --> sin --> sin wave
Cousin Gray --. sin wave G = universal gravitational constant
Keywords --> strangle wife --> strangle implies string theory codes..
Keywords --> strangle wife --> wife -->
wi + fe --> wisconsin (gravity/magnetic field post office code - wi) fe = ferrous oxide iRON-54 atom in year 1954 EVENT
Above ..wife --> fe = female code IRON-54 ...was strangled in year 1954 in Kenya ,,
using string theory bio-physics application tools for the strangling EVENT ... Nature's generation of the event to create a message for scientists
Thus we come to code --> wife --> pointer to
Wisconsin geography region
Thus code -->
cousin Gray Leakey ..subset letter codes...
.....usin --> U + sin --> University of Wisconsin ..Madison and Milwaukeee
........................................................................M .............M
........................................................................Mau..............Mau code region
Thus the code Maurice Wi = Wisconsin
............................rice Wisconsin
.......................Mau Mau Rice Lake, Wisconsin region and the shooting
Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.
Chai Soua Vang | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of ... vang -chai-soua.htm
Nov 8, 2005 - Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a hunter who shot several deer ... Allan Laski, 43, manager of a Rice Lake area lumber yard.
Thus, in year 2015, we have the Mau Mau code of silence in Wisconsin citizens.
Thus ..returning to the barometric pressure and its influence on human behavior and thought ..good and bad.
Thus we see Nature's EARTH LAB site of Mountain Kenya ..and its various elevations and the nearby Carl JUNG display sites in the jungle parallel processing region. herbert - spencer /the-data-of-ethics/s.7
... in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences ; and still more ... said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
the continuous adjustment of Carl JUNG internal relations to external JUNGLE mau mau relations. Mau _ Mau _ Uprising
The Mau Mau Uprising , also known as the Mau Mau Revolt , Mau Mau Rebellion or Kenya Emergency, was a military conflict that took place in Kenya between ...
Dedan Kimathi - Metropole - Operation Anvil Mau _ Mau _ Uprising
The Mau Mau Uprising , also known as the Mau Mau Revolt , Mau Mau Rebellion or Kenya Emergency, was a military conflict that took place in Kenya between ...
Dedan Kimathi - Metropole - Operation Anvil Mau _ Mau _ Uprising
The Mau Mau Uprising , also known as the Mau Mau Revolt , Mau Mau Rebellion or Kenya Emergency, was a military conflict that took place in Kenya between ...
Dedan Kimathi - Metropole - Operation Anvil
www. barometricpressureheadache .com/weather-conditions-and-risk-of- h ...
Rising Pressure + Rising temperature. ... Even though specific conditions trigger headaches in some people e.g. pressure or humidity readings above or below a ...
Answers archive: Weather and health -
USA Today
Q: What weather conditions cause barometric pressure changes? I get headaches when thebarometric pressure starts rising or falling and if I knew what was ...
Can Barometric Pressure Cause Headaches and Other ... barometric - pressure -caus...
The New York Times
Jul 1, 2013 - Differences in air pressure because of the weather or changes in altitude can have noticeable effects on the human body.
Thus the Westgate shopping mall shooting provides clues ..... the blood information LEAK of the LEAK Key family Westgate _shopping_mall_attack
On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall inNairobi , Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, ...
Operation Linda Nchi - 2013 Nairobi bus attack - 2002 Mombasa attacks
On 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked the upmarket Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi , Kenya. The attack, which lasted until 24 September, resulted in at least 67 deaths, including four attackers. Over 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting , with all of the gunmen reported killed.
Below, human systems and the blood information LEAK ..... data for anthropology and paleontology researchers of Mary and Louis Leakey with Gray Leakey....
The we have an interesting puzzle from 1954 involving Wisconsin and the ZINJAN skull project delays by Janesville , Wisconsin.
Hence, IRON-54 isotope and ferrous oxide atomic number 26 ...EARTH Highway 26 problems in Janesville .........
factors in the closing of the GM iron automobile factory in Janesville, Wisconsin..