Renumber Scenes

I can renumber Chapter titles. What about scenes?

(For info on renaming and renumbering scene files (not the titles), see this link)

The title is there to quickly identify each scene, so I normally recommend using something like 'Jack and Jill go up the hill' rather than 'Scene 3'. (You can already see it's scene 3 because it's the third scene in that chapter, and if you drag it up by one spot it's now scene 2.)

However, if you want to use the 'Scene 1', 'Scene 2' format instead of descriptive titles, you'll be glad to hear yWriter now has a renumber for scene titles too. Just ensure your scene titles begin with the word 'Scene' (capital S) and a space: "Scene "

Renumber will only affect scenes in the selected chapter, not everything in the project.

* NOTE: Renumber Scenes was added as of version